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Steve and Eddie look to each other with red smiles "Do you want some" Eddie says handing the joint over trying not to make things awkward "Yea" steve says taking a drag sitting back down, "So what did you want to talk about?" Eddie asks as steve hands the joint back, "Umm not much i guess i don't know" steve says nervously "I'm sorry for the way I acted at the movies.. i just think I'm getting feelin.." Steve stops talking and stands up "Steve your ok i won't judge" Eddie says watching nervous Steve walk around "I think i have feelings for someone and i don't know how to think about it.." Steve says tearing up "Sorry Eddie i need to go" Steve looks to Eddie quickly walking out.

Eddie watches Steve walk out in a rush trying to catch up but it was too late Steve had started his car "STEVE wait" Eddie yells running up to the car window, Steve with tears running down his face rolls his window down "Eddie im sorry ok i... like you.. ok and i don't know why i just.. know i do I'm sorry i have to go" Steve says reversing out before Eddie could say anything. Eddie stands in his drive way shocked of what he just heard not knowing what to do or say he walks back inside.
The next day waiting for Steve and Robin to come to school Eddie thinks about last night and what he will say to steve "Hey who are you waiting for?" A voice appears behind him, he turns to see dustin "Hey Henderson just waiting for Robin and steve" Eddie replies, "Robin is inside and she said he didn't pick her up today Steve must be sick I don't know what's going on with him lately, must be his family problems again" Dustin says looking at eddie "What family problems?" Eddie asks worried "his parents they leave him a lot and he stays home alone a lot but steve has never been this sad about it.. anyways the boys are waiting" dustin says walking off. Eddie follows hoping Steve is ok. Later that day waiting for school to end Eddie sits next to robin in class "Hey Munson" she asks turning to look at Eddie "Hey Buckley... is Steve working today" Eddie asks "I'm not sure he didn't come to school so I don't know i hope so... Did you guys talk yesterday" robin asks.

Eddie thinking about last night turns to robin "He wanted to talk and invited him inside and he said he had feelings for me and than just left before i could say anything" he says looking down to his drawing "WHAT he did?" Robin yells as everyone turns to Eddie and Robin "Robin Eddie no talking" teacher says. Eddie turns to robin writing down in his book 'Yes and i wanted to say it back but i was to late' Eddie writes and Robin reads it.

Hey guys sorry my posting has been late lately but i thought i would post a other chapter for you guys, I've had days off and i have wrote so many more chapters stay tuned for more exciting things coming up😁

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