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4 days has pasted Eddie and Steve couldn't really see each other Wayne was home for Christmas and Steve had work "Can't wait for tonight..." Robin says with excitement wrapping up her gifts "So am I picking you up tonight" steve asks "No it's ok me and Vickie are gonna walk together."

After work trying to find some clothes to wear Steve hears a knock on the door "Hey Steve" Eddie says smiling, Steve looks Eddie up and down he wore a tie dye nirvana jumper and blue jeans which was weird for Steve cause Eddie always wears black "You look...."
"Weird I know I had no time to wash my black jeans... now stop looking at me also here" Eddie gives Steve a wrapped gift "Early Christmas gift" he says with a grin "well i got you two gifts but other one is for tomorrow morning" Eddie watches steve slowly open his gift. Steve finally sees a black Metallica jumper and a baggy pair of black jeans, "Now you can be more like me sweetheart" Eddie giggles steve walks off to his room, Eddie confused follows. Walking in to see shirtless Steve putting the new jumper on his smiles as he looks in the mirror "I love it" Steve says grabbing Eddie's gift.

Eddie excited wearing his new black necklace opens the front door to see most of the kids "Eddie... your early" dustin questions walking inside to see Steve wearing a black jumper. After a few hours all the kids sit down opening gifts they got each other "Merry Christmas Steve hope you like it" robin giggles leaning into Vickie, Steve opens his gift to see different types of hair products he smiles hugging robin tight thank you "also got you something too...well we both picked it out" Steve smiles looking to Eddie who already had a smile on his face robin looks to see a poster book of all her celebrity crushes "Oh my goodness I love it" she says hugging the both of them.

The next day Eddie wakes up looking to Steve cuddling his pillow, he smiles as he walks down stairs, wrapping everywhere food still laying around in the kitchen music still playing he grabs Steve's last gift putting it under the Christmas tree with a note on top of it "Steve we're home" Eddie quickly stands up to see a woman and man standing at the door way "who are you" the man says with a harsh tone "Ummm a friend of Steve's I'm leaving now.. you must be Mrs and Mr Harrington glad to meet you and merry Christmas" Eddie walks out the door. Later that morning Steve wakes up to see no Eddie in bed he sits up rubbing his eyes maybe he's down stairs he thought to himself "Hello hunny" Steve looks to see his mum and dad standing in the kitchen "what the bloody hell happened here" his dad yells, "Just had some friends over" Steve says back sitting down looking straight at the Christmas tree with a black wrapped gift under it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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