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"No reason just asking" robins says "anyways how can I help you" she says "just returning some stuff" he replies putting DVDs on the counter,they look at each other in silence as a customer walks in "I'll go.. see you around Buckley" Eddie says walking out.

The next day laying in bed overthinking everything Steve hears a knock on the door "Hey what's up" Steve says looking at robin "Hey Steve just checking that your ok... you seemed upset yesterday" she says looking at steve, he opens the door more to let robin inside "Yea I'm ok" he replies closing the brown door. Robin sits down looking at steve knowing he was lying "You can talk to me steve I'm here for you" she says, Steve not really wanting to tell Robin he was upset about Eddie "Just... I don't know what's going on with me" he says sitting down next to robin "Last time i saw you like this was with Nancy dating Jonathan" robin says looking to steve, "Has it got anything to do with Eddie" robin asks, Steve wondered why robin would ask that "Hahah no why would it be about Munson" steve giggles, robin looks at steve knowing for sure that it was munson "anyways to cheer you up all the kids are going to the movies tomorrow wanna come" she asks changing the subject. Steve was glad robin had changed the subject "Yea sure why not".

The next day getting ready doing his hair steve makes his way to the mall meeting up with robin, "Hey steve" dustin says running up to steve "Hey dustin" was all Steve said as a hand touches his back turning to see eddie and robin "hey everyone robin smiles looking at the kids and steve "Are you guys excited for the movie" dustin asks. They all make there way to the popcorn stand "Hey Harrington how are you" Eddie asks "Im fine and you" steve says trying not to get upset all over again why was eddie here anyways? He says to himself "Yea I'm ok i guess" he says walking away feeling like he did something wrong "Hey Buckley can we talk" eddie says grabbing her arm. Steve looks at the two talking wondering what they had been talking about, he makes his way over to dustin and the other kids.

"Why do i feel like steve is upset today" he ask robin hoping she knows what's wrong "I'm not sure actually... but i have a feeling, you remember the chat we had at Dustin's I'm starting to think he maybe likes you because it all happened after he saw you with Chrissy" she says looking at Eddie who was looking at Steve.

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