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After Robin had left only Dustin,Eddie and Steve were left watching a movie, "dustin dinner is ready.. oh hi Steve and Eddie are you guying staying for dinner" Dustin's mum asks "No its ok I'm about to walk home" eddie says standing up "thanks but I'll go home too" Steve says messing up Dustin's curly hair. Steve and Eddie make there way out of the house "Do you want a ride home" steve asks knowing Eddie has a long walk "Yea sure thanks Harrington" Eddie says opening the car door.

After a long drive they reached Eddie's trailer they didn't talk much on the way home but Eddie couldn't help but look at Steve most of the time thinking about what robin and him talked about "So Harrington what's your plans for the rest of the night" Eddie says trying to make a conversation, Steve looks to Eddie already looking back  "Just gonna cook and watch a movie i guess" steve says with a little frown "Wanna hang out for a little longer, i got leftover Chinese" Eddie says getting a little nervous not really knowing why "Yea sure, but not watching anymore horror" steve laughs. Sitting eating Chinese the boys sat as they watched Back To the Future, which was the only movie Eddie had left, Steve could just see Eddie turning his head looking at him from the corner of his eye he wasn't sure why Eddie kept looking at him constantly, slowly turning his head towards Eddie, Eddie quickly looks back to the screen.

Little smiles grow on the boys faces, both going red Steve goes to stand up to take the empty bowl Eddie snatching it away "I'll do it" Eddie says walking off to the kitchen. After smoking a little and watching the whole movie mostly talking through it, they were sitting on eddies bed and for some reason they thought it was a good idea to play Truth and Dare, "So Munson Truth or Dare?" Steve says "Lets go Truth" he says looking at steve "Is it true that your in a band" he asks "Yes i am" Eddie says with a smile "Truth or dare Harrington" Eddie asks with a grin.

Thanks for reading my story, I'll try and post a chapter every week 😌

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