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After dropping Dustin home to get ready, Steve drives robin home "What did you do to Jason" Robin asks "Nothing he went to hit me but i stopped it.. I'm worried about Eddie he didn't say much after it happened" Steve replies pulling into her driveway "Well hope he is ok, tell him that i hope he's ok at club" she says getting out the car "Of course see you tomorrow" steve says as robin waves goodbye. Waiting at the front of Dustin's place Steve thinks about Eddie "Hey" dustin says getting into the car wearing his hellfire club shirt, they hoped out of the car walking up to Eddies "Hey you ok" dustin asks looking at Eddies bruised face "Shit Eddie" Steve not thinking puts his hand on Eddies cheek he pulls away from Steve's touch "I'm ok" he says sitting down Steve wondered why Eddie was like that towards him "Ok lets start" Eddie says looking at dustin. Steve walks outside sitting on the steps as they played there game "Hey Steve I'm gonna spend the night at mike's you can go home" dustin says getting in the car, Steve waves the kids goodbye standing up walking inside to see Eddie packing the game up "Hey Eds you ok" Steve says walking up to Eddie "I'm ok just sore" he replies lighting the joint up "Can i stay for a while" Steve asks watching Eddie "If you want to" he says blowing out the smoke "Did i do something wrong" he sits down next to Eddie worried "No you didn't just.. i don't want you to see me like this" Eddie says passing the joint to steve "Eds i don't care i need to know your okay" steve says taking a drag "Eds..?" Eddie smiles to the nickname "Yea sorry i didn't think what i sai..". Steve stops talking feeling Eddies soft lips pressed against his cheek.

Steve turns red looking at Eddie with a smile "I like it don't worry about it princess" Eddie giggles. Steve and Eddie lay in silence passing the joint to each other "You can go if you want might take a shower and go to sleep" eddie says looking at steve "I'll stay till you fall asleep if that's ok" Steve smiles at Eddie "Yea I'm ok with that" he says smiling back, walking to his room as Steve follows behind him, Eddie grabs some pants and walks down the hall as Steve sits on Eddies messy bed as he waited, after a few mins Eddie walks in with just pants on, Steve went red to the sight of Eddie without a shirt on, seeing more tattoos he didn't know Eddie had, how toned he really was under the leather and denim till his eyes sore bruised ribs "Eddie are you ok" Steve lightly touches the bruises, his skin was so soft but it made Steve upset about what Jason did "Hey Steve its ok" Eddie says placing a hand on Steve's warm red cheek "Why are you so red" he giggles. Steve looks up to Eddie and leans in and kisses Eddie on the lips placing a hand on his cheek, Eddies hand moved from Steves cheek to behind his neck which made Steve stop "Is that ok" Eddie asked taking his hand away. Steve grabs Eddie hand and placed it back "Yea its ok... is it ok for you" he asks doing little circles on eddies cheek which made Eddie smile more "Of course this is ok" he says making the move to kiss Steve first.

Merry Christmas everyone I'm gonna be late but I'm doing a Christmas chapter as soon as I can, I got a good idea and NEED to do it😁 it's 2:16am In Australia but whenever you are and when it's the 25th Merry Christmas 🎄

Secrets I Have Held (steddie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon