|| put a pin in it ||

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Maybe these feelings Steve had towards eddie were just friendly feelings, platonic feelings. after all Steve wasn't gay, and he never thought he'd ever be, he's into girls and that's final.

The movie eventually ended, Both stretching and sitting in the silence again.

"hey i think i'll have to go, it's uh-" Eddie checked his watch, 11:25 pm. "11:25" he finished, dropping his hand onto his knee.

"oh right yeah" Steve stood up and stretched his arms, part of his waist showing as his shirt lifted, his Demo-bat scars just nearly showing.

Eddie cleared his throat and stood up as well, heading to the door.

Steve caught up behind him, "hey thanks for coming." he smiled to Eddie as he put his hands in his pockets.

"oh yeah of course!" Eddie turned to Steve and stepped towards him, hardly inches away from each other, grabbing Steve into a hug.

Steve froze, where did this come from? but he sure did need it. it's like Eddie could see all the struggles Steve was having, like they were projected onto his body or displaying over his head with big lights.

Steve hugged back, burrowing his head into Eddie's shoulder. at that moment Steve didn't care that the guy he was hugging was creating all these new issues in Steves head. he just needed a hug, from anyone.

"man you sure need a hug huh?" Eddie whispered to Steve's ear.

"yeah.." Steve muttered in his shoulder, luckily Eddie couldn't see his face for it was burning hot, like it could burn through Eddie's shoulder.

Eddie chuckled as his hand grazed steve's back making a circle shape. Steves back tingled at every touch Eddie made, practically making a trail of shivers on Steve's back.

Steve soon stepped out the hug, not wanting to make it awkward for Eddie, but wished it could last forever.

Eddie just smiled to Steve as he stepped back. "Cya next week right?" he asked, his head tilting.

"yeah" Steve smiled back, trailing his hands on his hips in the waist band on his sweatpants.

"alright, better be true." Eddie said over his shoulder, raised his voice in a sarcastic tone as he opened the door.

"we'll see" Steve lastly said as Eddie chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

Steve sighed as his head bowed, still struggling on these damn feelings he has around Eddie, he just wanted to say they were platonic feelings and put a huge pin in it, but some thing was pulling that pin and Steve hated it.

11:25. should get to bed.

he'd give a loud yawn before sulking upstairs to go to sleep.

Steve flopped on the bed and dozed to sleep fast, hanging out with Eddie was tiresome.


Monday, 6:00 am

Steve woke up absurdly by his alarm, slapping it quiet with his face shoved into the pillow. He got up slowly with his eyes half shut, his hair all over the place and somehow his shirt had fallen off, you could hardly tell if it was Steve or not.

he'd amble to the bathroom to get in the shower, another thing that could wake him up real quick, and all would know what else would wake him up quick.

When he was finished he put on his uniform and did his hair relatively fast. he checked his bedside clock and it was 6:45 am. he had some time to spare.

He went down stairs and grabbed something small, a pop-tart. Steve's go-to snack when he's in a hurry or just eating breakfast.

he'd doze off on the Tv until it was 7:30. grabbing his keys and slipping on his shoes.

[DISCONTINUED] get it together - SteddieWhere stories live. Discover now