|| found feelings ||

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Steve stumbled through the woods. Tripping on roots, huffing at each step he took. "Eddie!!" Steve yelled, echoing through out the woods, but no reply. Steve stopped to take a breath, his chest aching in pain. suddenly he heard foot steps crunching leaves in front of him, he looked up with his hands on his knees. Patrick stood over him, "hey um, Eddie went that way, i couldn't uh- catch him" Patrick told Steve, pointing to the left of him. Steve stood up, "thank.. you.." he huffed out, smiling at Patrick before walking in the direction for where he pointed. Steve just thought on why Patrick would hangout with such dicks? he's not like them.

Steve kept walking when he saw Eddie leaning on the tree, holding his abdomen in pain. "Eddie!" Steve exclaimed in relief, running towards him and hugging him. "are you ok?" Eddie asked, still holding his abdomen, "yeah i'm fine, are you ok?" Steve looked to his hand where he was holding. "oh yeah, just- in pain from running" he sighed, his head falling back and leaning on the tree.

"told you i would beat the shit out of him." Steve sat down on a stump that was no so far from the tree. Eddie gave a quick laugh at his words, "really took it to him." he slid down the tree, then sitting down with his legs spreading. Eddie wanted to ask what Jason meant by his parents weren't here, we're the dead? were they gone somewhere? but he felt that would be to personal, and it wasn't the best time to ask questions like that.

"you.. have to deal with that all the time?" Steve asked, looking down at Eddie.

"pretty much.." he'd let go of his abdomen and spinner his rings.

"god Eddie i'm- im sorry man" Steves head bowed and ran his fingers through his hair then covering his eyes. his stomach felt as if it was gonna burst and his head was ringing.

"it's fine, it's not as bad at school" he reassured him, now looking at Steve.

"no Eddie that isn't ok, you shouldn't have to deal with that-" he looked at him and waved his hand to the direction to the carnival, gesturing to Jason, "shit" then put his hand back.

"Steve. you have no idea" Eddie chuckled, sitting up to sit next to Steve on the stump. "scoot" Eddie waved his hands. Steve moved over and he sat down, their sides pushed together.

"what do you mean i have no idea?" Steve looked at Eddie, his hands falling to his thighs. his voice was starting to crack from him yelling Eddie's name earlier. "Steve i've gone through a lot, you on the other hand" he put his hand on top of Steves. "how would you know Munson? you stalk me?" Steve smirked, teasing him as Eddie's fingers clung between his. Eddie shrugged, "Maybe i have, you never know" he said, his face inched closer to Steves for a second then moved back. "your a strange man Munson" Steve laughed, bumping his shoulder to his. "i've known that for a while" Eddie inched closer, his eyes flicked to Steve's lips. Steve looked around him before giving Eddie a long lasting kiss, his free hand tracing from Eddie's cheek to his neck. Eddie let go of his hand and put his hands to Steve's waist, leaning in. Eddie trailed his hand slightly under Steve's shirt before Steve let go, "to much." Steve mumbled, feeling horrible for feeling this way with him. he wanted to do the unthinkable with Eddie, but he just couldn't at the same time. it would take a lot from him.

Eddie nodded and smiled as his hand held Steve's tightly, wanting to show that he wasn't upset. Steve's head swiveled to his legs, his free hand grabbing his pants, "i'm sorry, i can't" he mumbled, his eyes only focused on his pants and his hand. Eddie thumb brushed his hand, "Steve it's ok, i understand. like i said, i don't want you to push yourself to do things you don't want to, even if it's the littlest thing" Eddie leaned his head to see Steve's face. Steve smiled as his head fell to his shoulder, "i'm glad i'm going though this with you and no one else" Steve mumbled.

"what do you mean?"

"you're just so understanding and you help me figure all this shit out, personally i don't think anyone else could do that" Steve explained, starring at their clasped hands. Eddie laughed lightly as he slowly stood up, "we should head back to the front, wait for everyone to come back" Eddie brushed off his pants that had leafs hung on while he sat on the floor.

"yeah" Steve stood up and they started walking to the front of the carnival. they didn't want to go back in to see Jason again, so they would just wait it out until everyone was back. the kids surprisingly came back before Robin and Vicki.

"what happened to you guys?" Dustin questioned, Eddie and Steve had dirt all over them and Steve had some blood on his knuckles from punching Jason. "it's nothing" Steve said, crossing his arms.

"whatever" Dustin said, putting his hands up as he turned to Lucas and Mike. Robin and Vicki finally came and Robin ran to Steve, whispering in his ear quickly, "i need to talk to you when you get home" Steves eyebrow rose but nodded. "alright kids hop in where leaving" Eddie clapped, opening his van. Robin and Vicki were already in the car, so it was just Eddie and Steve.

"hey um- sorry this didn't go so well" Steve apologized, bitting the inside of his cheek as he looked down. "it's alright, at least i spent time with you" Eddie smiled, his strong gaze burned in Steves head. Steve looked up, a smile crept on his face as they gave each other a quick hug and hopped in their cars.

Steve went to dropped Robin off, but Vicki got out as well. Steve smirked as he waved Robin off and drove to his house. thought today wasn't so great, he's just glad he's getting more comfortable with Eddie each time they hang out. Eddie makes him feel like himself, makes him feel like he's loved by someone. and that's all he needed to truly love him back.

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