|| turn for the worst ||

760 24 14

TW: homophobic slurs and harassment
3 Days later
Friday, 8:00 am
Steve and Robin were cleaning the store, cleaning windows, dusting ect. Then robin went to go and eat her lunch. Steve liked to steal some things from her lunch since he was to lazy to make one, Robin always insisted to make him a lunch but he'd always say no.

"hey um- the reason i was crying on Monday was because.." Robin hesitated. Steve stopped and looked at Robin.

"Was because Vickie got a boyfriend.." She moved her lunch to the side and hugged her knees, looking at Steve with almost teary eyes.

"oh.." Steve dropped his hands to his lap, he didn't know what to say. as he said, he sucked at comforting people and giving them advise, that's why he mostly just used Robins words. Steve brought Robin into a hug. that was the only thing he knew would comfort people. Robin hugged back tightly, her face burrowed into Steve's neck, her tears rubbing onto his cheek.

Steve rubbed her back as she cried into his shoulder, his green vest turned darker with her tears. Robin pulled out from the hug, wiping her eyes.

"i shouldn't be this upset" she hiccuped,

"why?" Steve asked, cause he knew that the two of them has some sort of chemistry from what Steve had seen.

"Because Steve not everyone is gay, so i should just expect disappointment so i won't get disappointed." Robin shrugged.

"no Robin, don't think like that" Steve protested, putting his hand on Robins knee

"it's fine Steve i'll get over it" Robin then got up and started cleaning again like nothing had ever happened. Steve gave a grating sigh before helping her and occasionally helping customers.

While they were hanging out slumped on the counter, Eddie came barging in.

"hey Harrington, Buckley!" Eddie shouted as he set his hands on the counter.

"what is it Eddie?" Robin asked

"wow no hi back!" Eddie exclaimed, putting a hand to his heart.

Steve rolled his eyes, "hi Eddie" Steve exaggerated, wiggling his fingers at Eddie.

Eddie smiled at Steve "thank you" Eddie nodded and continued, "there's this event happening at Hawkins high and i wanted you two" he'd point his fingers to the two, "to go with me" he then put his hands behind his back, waiting for a response.

"when is it?" Steve asked, his head slipping for his palm.

"it's tomorrow at uh- 6:00 pm i believe"

"do we have work tomorrow?" Steve now looked at Robin, "i don't think" she replied.

"i'll go i guess" Steve finally answered, "same" Robin added.

"Great! see you guys tomorrow" Eddie clapped his hands, giving Steve a wink before he walked out.

Steve rolled his eyes as he placed his head in both his palms, using his fingers to cover his red cheeks.

"well it's closing time, let's get ready." Robin said, moving to pick up her lunch and put it in her bag. Steve did the same and they closed the store.

Steve dropped Robin off and headed to his house, god if Eddie keeps acting like that in public with him they'll get caught. Steves hands were shaking all the way home.

He got home, got dressed and fell into his bed, his face planted into the pillow. Steve couldn't stop imagining people harassing the two of them. Steve groaned and flipped over, his head facing the ceiling while he covered his face with his hands. the only thing that he should be focusing on is the two of them, their love for on another. though Steve isn't even sure if he loves Eddie or not, but he just wants to make the best of it with Eddie and only Eddie and not waste it away.


Saturday, 5:30 pm

Steve was getting ready, Took a shower, did his hair, and wore a sweatshirt, a pair of Levi pants, and his black and white nikes. he was about to leave when he caught the tank Eddie had given him, his Corroded Coffin tank. he didn't want to wash it cause it would take the scent away. which sounded weird, but he liked the smell of Eddie, Weed and that cheap ass Cologne he wears. he'd take a long glare before leaving to pick up Robin.

Robin hopped into the car like her old self.

"what's going on with you?" Steve asked, Robin was extra jumpy then usual.

"omg i just found out that Vickie broke up with her boyfriend!" Robin exclaimed, bouncing in the car seat. "i mean that isn't something to be happy about but-" then she started rambling like she always does, Steve was just happy that she has something to be happy about. Turns out Vickie broke up with her boyfriend cause he didn't want to do long distance and blah blah blah, that was all he got from robin before he stopped understanding.

They got to Hawkins high and looked around for Eddie, not that he would be crowded by anyone, but there were a lot of people going, especially the kids. They eventually found Eddie, standing there by himself.

"There you guys are!" Eddie said, hugging Steve without him speaking a word, Steve hugged back with a shocked face. then Eddie gave Robin a hug. somehow he felt like his and Eddie's lasted way longer then his and Robins.

"how are you two?" Eddie asked, putting his hands on his hips. Steve simply nodded and robin did the same.

"Good, now let's go in before it's over" Eddie pushed the two inside the school, Robin caught a glimpse of Vickie with some of her friends, She'd look at Steve, Steve mouthed to her "go" and shooed her to go talk to her. Now it was just him and Eddie, Which he didn't mind but he just had a gut feeling something was gonna happen.

"what was that?" Eddie asked.

"oh Robin saw her friend and darted off"

"hmph guess we're not good enough" Eddie huffed.

Him and Eddie were having fun, laughing and messing around. He could tell that Eddie was trying to hold himself in from flirting with Steve. But that didn't really help..

"Hey Eddie!" a guy shouted behind him, they both turned to Jason smirking at them.

"Finally got a boyfriend?" Eddie grumbled as he stared at Jason. Steve was confused, Boyfriend? no he's not gay..

Jason started walking up to them, his stupid smirk still on his face, "guess you finally found another FAG to dangle onto" Jason pushed Steve and laughed as him minions did as well. Steves heart dropped. he bit his lip, holding back the tears.

"Hey man fuck off!" Eddie spat at Jason, pushing him.

"maybe you should stay away from him, you might catch his disease!" Jason just kept on going, yelling at Steve as Eddie pushed him away. Steve couldn't take it anymore and just left, he ran out with his eyes balling. he knew this was coming, he just didn't know it would come so soon when he wasn't prepared. he wanted to beat the shit out of Jason but he couldn't, he was to overwhelmed.

He jumped in his car and started driving home, half way Steve pulled over and just cried, his head rested on the wheel, his pants getting a wet spot from his tears. oh if his dad could see him now he would slap him and say get it together, or just kick him out for being a fag..

Steve eventually got it together and drove home, he might have been swerving but he didn't care, he just wanted to get home, fast.

he got home and fell on the couch, crying again, his body was all weak and was shaking all over. he doesn't want to be seen with Eddie again, he can't, he can't take this all at once.

[DISCONTINUED] get it together - SteddieWhere stories live. Discover now