|| growing love:) ||

675 19 20

Tuesday, 6:00 am
Steve groaned as he woke up. Eddie was still sound asleep next to him, Steves arm still over Eddie's chest while the other was laying under his head.

"Shit!" Steve whispered to himself when he knew he had work today, he slithered out of Eddie's touch and grabbed the phone, calling Robin. it rang for a while before she finally answered.

"Steve why are u calling? shouldn't you be getting ready?" Robins voice was distant, she was probably getting ready.

"yeah um- i might be a little late" Steve gave an awkward chuckle, scratching his neck.

"why?" Robins voice got slightly louder.

"um, some things- i'll tell you later" he shook her question off, knowing he wasn't going to tell her that he spent the night at Eddie's. then put his hand on his hip.

"alright? how late?"

"uh maybe like- 20 ish minutes.." he mumbled the last part.

"20 Minutes?!" Robin finally picked up the phone, Steve winced at the piercing screech of the phone feedback.

"i'm sorry! i'll uh- buy you lunch." he sighed while his head fell, regretting he said that.

"oo alright, take as much time as you need!"

Steve rolled his eyes and hung up the phone.

He went back into Eddie's room to wake him up. he lightly shook Eddie's shoulder, "hey, Eddie" he whispered. Eddie groaned as he opened his eyes, squinting at Steve.

"what" his drowsy voice shook Steve. it was deep and raspy, he wished he could hear it more. "i have to go to work" he smiled as he gave Eddie a kiss on the forehead, rubbing his arm before walking out his room.

"Wait" Eddie said, sitting up. Steve stopped at his doorway and turned, "yeah?"

"come here"

"ughh Eddie" Steve moped over to him. Eddie cupped Steves face and gave him a big kiss, his breath hot on Steves lips, "mmmmwaaa" he said as he smiled, looking at Steve's so called hair. he smiled back before finally leaving.

Steve quickly drove to his house and put on his uniform. he didn't have time to take a shower, all he did was brush his hair, teeth and left. his hair didn't have the volume it usually does when he fixes it but he didn't care, he just had to get to work.

he pulled up to Robins house where she was already waiting like every other day. "there you are!" she exclaimed as she jumped in the car.

"you weren't that late as much you said you'd be"

"well isn't that a good thing?" giving robin a few glances then back to the road.

"yeah, but not in this situation. after all you have to buy me lunch" she reminded him in a confident tone.

"yeah yeah i know.."

Robin opened Family Video and the two of them sat at the counter, dozing off as hardly no one came in.

"so what were those 'some things' you were talking about?" Robin asked, her head resting in her palm as she looked to him.

"oh you know, uh- family issues" Steve stalled, trying to think of a lie.

"mhm, i thought your parents are hardly around?"


"well they called and said they were stopping by to check up and went back out this morning"

"alright, whatever you say" Robin smirked, looking away from Steve to the front window.

An few hours pass, Steve checks his watch, 9:36 am. Steve groaned as his head fell in his crossed arms. he'd wish he could've worked somewhere else, where he would actually have stuff to do. Then a costumer came in, Robin beat Steve to it. she was as desperate as Steve was.

Then a usual guest came in, Eddie. Obnoxious but charming Eddie.

"heyy Steve" Eddie smirked, putting his elbows on the counter and his head in his palms, oddly closer then he attended to be to Steve's face. Steves head lifted from his palms slightly as he scooted his elbows back, looking to the side while his face was getting hot.

"Hi Eddie." he mumbled, acting like nothing was happening between them, acting like he wasn't just all cuddly with his this morning.

"i see you got to work ok" He whispered, his face moving forward, smirking as he gazed in Steves eyes. Steve looked back to Eddie and put his hand over his mouth, "that's enough said from you" his face burned of irritation. Eddie laughed under his hand, slowly moving Steves hand from his mouth and lifted his head.

"why are you here?" Steve asked. lifting himself up as well, crossing his arms.

"just bored"

"Munson your never gonna graduate at a rate like this" Steve scuffed, smirking at Eddie. just thinking on how a person can fail their last year 2 maybe 3 times.

"Actually Harrington i have good grades, all C's" Eddie cocked, his pointer finger hitting the counter.

Steve shrugged "Hardly passing but better then nothing."

"correct" he walked up to the counter, looking to see if robin was around, "what are you doing?" Steve asked as Eddie looked around. Eddie couldn't see her in sight and grabbed Steve by his vest and gave him a kiss before running out. Steve wanted to chase after him but he wouldn't catch him, and it would seem 'unprofessional' of him. his hands hit the counter before his head fell.

what am i gonna do with him.

Robin came out the back room with a questionable face, "what was all that?"

he gave her a sharp turn, he started freaking out inside, Did she see it?!

"did u see it?"

"no, but it didn't sound good.." Robin started walking to the counter, still wondering what the hell that bang was.

Steves body started easing down, taking a big breath in the out, his head falling again. "nothing, just- got startled by something"

"oh alright" Robin shrugged checking her watch. "it's almost 1, want to get ready?" "

"yeah.." they started backing up and closed the Store, hopping in the car and headed to Robins place. the car was awfully quiet, the engine of the car sputtering and the quiet radio was the only thing heard. "Hey Robin"


"i was wondering if you wanted to go to that carnival on Sunday, since we might have work on Saturday for Kyle taking our shift" His fingers twiddled together as he drove.

"sure, who else would go?"

"oh i was gonna ask Eddie, maybe the kids"

"that sounds fun! i'll ask vickie if she'd want to go"

"cool" Steve smiled, though he wanted to hang with Robin he was happy that she was getting more in touch with Vickie. he just hoped that she had liked Robin the same as Robin likes her.

Steve pulled up to Robins house, waving her off before he drove away. Then he drove to his house, a place he wished he had company in, company such as his family.

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