|| F*ck Face ||

692 17 28

Tw: Homophobic slur! (it's one but just to make sure)
5 days later.
Sunday, 5:25 Am
Today was the day that they were gonna go to the carnival. Eddie agreed to come and so did the kids, which Steve knew cause the kids weren't gonna pass on an offer like that. Steve was very nervous since it was gonna have majority of people from Hawkins high there, including Jacob.

Steve swore the next time he saw him running his mouth at all he would punch his head in. he didn't care if he got in trouble, he wanted to show that prick that he doesn't need protection, he wanted to show that to anyone.

Steve would pick up Robin and Vicki and Eddie would pick up the kids. Steve got ready and went to pick them up.

Once they were all there at the carnival, they all greater each other and gave hugs, then went in.

Steve huddled everyone in a circle. "alright the kids will stay together, Robin and Vicki can stay together, and me and Eddie with stay with each other. we will all meet back at here in uh.." Steve paused to look at his watch, estimating a time.

"erm- 3 hours" He decided and looked at everyone to agree.

"alright!" Robin said looking at Vicki with a smile, as she did the same back.

"alright Harrington what's on the list" Eddie bumped his shoulder, pulling Steve out his daze and looked at Eddie. "uh- i don't know, guess just look around i guess" He answered as the rest of them walked away.

"well come on" Eddie grabbed Steves hand, it shocked him from his cold rings, one of his clanking with Steve's thumb ring, well Eddie's ring. Steve walked along with Eddie, their pinkies holding by a thread.

"hey what about that one?" Steve pointed to a ride that would go in a circle and could be spun by the riders. "uh- i'm not into spinning rides" Eddie mumbled, tightening his grip on Steve's pinkie. "oh god Munson don't be a puss" Steve pulled him into the line, thankfully it wasn't as long as the other rides lines.

"fine guess you want to be drenched in puke the whole time here" Eddie smirked, looking away from the ride. Steve rolled his eyes and looked to see how the ride goes. "maybe i'd like that, seems great" Steve said sarcastically as he let go of Eddie's pinkie, he didn't want people behind them getting weirded out with them technically holding hands. he put his hand in his sweatshirt pocket as he looked at Eddie, he was refusing to look at the ride.

"you'll be fine" Steve reassured him, bumping his shoulder with a smirk. Eddie finally looked at the ride with a weirded face. "yeah i hope"

it was finally their turn after 10 minutes of waiting, then got on the ride, Steve taunting him with spinning the ride, "Eddie your crazy if you think i'm not gonna spin it" Steve laughed. Eddie was holding on the wheel, trying to stop Steve from spinning it with a nervous face.

"Harrington i swear to god i'm gonna kill you after this!" Eddie shouted as the ride started, it slowly started going in a circle. Steve started spinning it, laughing hysterically at Eddie's face, "holy shit!" Eddie yelled as they went in the air, his legs entangled with Steve's and his hand gripping the wheel.

The ride stopped and Eddie rested his head on the wheel, crying about his head hurting. "Eddie your fine, at least u didn't throw up" Steve chuckled waiting for him to get out. Eddie moped off the ride, leaning and swerving as he walked.

"oh my god.." he repeated in a whisper as he rested his head on the rides railings. Steve was laughing lightly at Eddie's exaggeration of the ride. "you need to go to the doctor baby?" Steve teased in a baby voice, leaning on the railing looking at Eddie's resting head. his head rose and looked at Steve, his eyes all heavy looking. "maybe, i feel like i'm dying.."

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