Chapter One - Someone wants your life (who?)

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"we once hoped for a happily ever after. Perhaps it was nothing but fiction - only found in thick pages of book and fictitious movies. Peace and serenity was nothing in this world; all that existed was murder, felony, assassination, bloodshed and pain. Those were the real happening the world. We never get a second chance to find out, investigate or set out an eye for an eye (revenge) plan - that was more pain. To be given a second chance to completely discover and unfold several mysteries, it was divine. To get a second chance, but still get confused and lost in self pity - there was greater danger ahead. Last words always stick to the memories of the lost soul. My last memories played over and over in my head... Felt nothing but pain.

"Hahaha, you're a funny one indeed, such a waste..."

"Who sent you to kidnap me? Answer me right now!"

"Ha, you're really dumb, aren't you?"

"Do you know who my parents are? They'll kill you if they find out that I'm hurt in any way and..." Interrupting with a loud scoff, he said, "your parents? Haha! You're funny! Do you think I care for your goddamn parents, little girl?"

"You...! How much? How much were you paid? I'll pay you double!"

"Oh really?"

"Triple! I'll triple the darn price, so let me out of here!"

"Uhn... That's not a deal, little girl.."

"Not a...! You son of a..." Gritting her teeth together, he muttered slowly, "Five! Five times the price."

"No, no deal, dear."

"10 times!"

"No deal.'

"I'll give you three fucking billion dollars, okay?!"

"Ouuu... That's a tempting offer, little girl. Sadly, it's still no deal."

"You..! What the fuck do you want from me then.?"

"Your deal is so damn tempting, but I can't betray my employer. If I betray my employer, how sure are you that I won't do the same thing to you, little girl?"

"I don't care about anything, I just want to get out of here!"

"I'm sorry, I can't grant your wish.. tsk!"

"Wah... What do you mean?"

"Well... It's simple. Someone you know  paid a huge sum of money for your life."

"You..! You...! What do you mean?"

"The literal meaning, little girl. You're not leaving here alive."

"Who... Who sent you? Answer me!"

"Tsk! Tsk! Poor you... The one you love so much wants you dead. The counterfeit and the phony would ride over it's master's head and grind at it's head. I feel sorry for you and I wish we could talk for a little longer, but boss just called me. I've got another business to cover."

"You..! Who's your darn boss?! Don't... Don't you fucking come near me! What's that syringe for? I'm not sick! You..! You fucking piece of shit! I swear, I'll kill you! I'll hunt you down and kill you! I'll kill you and send you to hell!"

"Hahahaha... Let's see who's going to hell first. I just injected a new hard drugs substance that was shipped illegally. It has a mysterious way of working, you know... It will make you so high and happy. You will feel that world getting larger, bigger and smaller at the same times. You will reminisce beautiful moment and even terrible once - they will all make you so damn happy. And gradually, in a steady manner, it flows in your blood, into all the organs in your body, and they (the organs) will begin to deteriorate fast, but you won't feel a single pain, or maybe just a slight headache that comes with your brain crashing down. And then, you will hold your head with your both hands wishing to scream out pain... Oh yeah, just like that! But then, you will feel happiness bubbling instead: that's so not how you feel, but you're not in control of your body anymore- the drug is. Tears gather in your eyes, your head aches even more, you feel like it's about to explode and you're about to explode from anger, but your body isn't in your control anymore .Then, to the final stage, your breathing is blocked slowly. You want life, you gasp for it! Just like how you feel now. You feel helpless - in pain, happy, angry, devastated- just mixed emotions. Slowly, you lose track of time. You inhale your last and pause for a while as you lay on the bare floor - eyes to the ceilings.

You think of your life.

You think of those days of your life.

This is the last breath, you badly want it to stay longer, but no, that's not how it works. You've got to go. So slowly, you close your eyes with a resentful heart, a teardrop forces it way down from your eyes. That's the last message your now dead brain could relay. Goodnight little girl. It was a pleasure having someone to talk to again.

The middle aged man stared pitifully at the young lady who laid peacefully on the bare cold floor. Her face was drained of color with green and dark prominent veins all over her body. Heaving a sigh, he turned around and left.
At that moment, the body which laid dead moved it finger.


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SUSPECT 159 (Book one)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora