Chapter Nineteen - Girasole Morto : the Empress is alive and not dead.

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Miranda arrived at the villa by evening. The weather was cold and so she wore a jacket with a knitted red scarf, and a head warmer. Holding a suitcase, she stared at the gate of the villa for a while. Taking a deep breath, she sighed in hope and took a walk in.

"How about the nearest CCTV camera in the area?"
"We've got nothing, sir."
"Yes. All the cameras seemed to have been damaged one way or the other. There's no way to recover the footage."

Inspector Williams seemed very surprised. He couldn't get a picture of Andy or even a video. It was as though she has been wiped out completely out of the world, just like Theodora...
Oh yeah, Theodora...
Just then, Miranda's last words resurfaced in his mind.
'the one you love so much wants you dead. The counterfeit and the phony would ride over it's master's head and grind at it's head.'

What does this mean?
Is this referring to Theodora?
Does this have anything to to with her sudden disappearance?

Wait... Something isn't right here. Something just isn't right....!
The counterfeit....
The phony...
The fake! That's it! The fake will become the real one and ride over the head of it's master! And the phony is the one the master loves so much.
The master is... Theodora?
Aissh! That can't be! No, no.

"Matt, get me information about everyone in close relationship with Theodora."
"Every... Everyone?"
"Yes, everyone. Don't leave a single person out. Everyone's relevant to this case."
"Yes, Sir!" He nodded and left.
Williams was deep in thoughts - constantly pondering over the last words.

After SM led the Elders to the airport, he left immediately to find Eleanora, at least to see her before he leaves.
During the investigation, he already knew where she lived, so he took the car and left straight way to her apartment.
Arriving there, he took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.
Anxiety and fear ruled him. He had no idea what to say if he sees her.
Just then, the door opened wide.
The person before him was... was not Eleanora at all.
A middle aged man and an old man were together.
Eleanora held great resemblance with the older man; this was obviously her father. And this middle aged man in his 40s... There was something wrong. SM stared at his face and felt a sense of fear
This feeling was unusual. Just then, Eleanora's father took a good look at the young man before him and said, "What may I help you with?"
The two were close to him.
"Oh, I erm.. I'm friends with Eleanora and I haven't seen her since I returned back from the states."
"Oh..." He pondered, "Eleanora sure has many friends. Well, young man, Eleanora was involved in an accident and is presently in coma."

As though lightening struck his entire body, he shook slightly and said immediately, "You...! What happened? How did it... Where was she going to? What accident?

Eleanora's father stared suspiciously at the young man.
He seemed to have a great care for his daughter. If probably he had met him before this man, he would have thought otherwise.

"She was going to return a dress to..." SM interrupted with obvious fear on his face, "Was it a white T-shirt?"
Eleanora's father's eyes bulge out in surprise.. "How did  you know?"
"It's actually..." Before SM could complete his statement, the middle aged man stretched out his hand for a shake, with a sinister smile on his face, as he said, "Nice to meet you, young man. I'm Sam, Eleanora's boyfriend."

That smell...
It finally dawn on him why he felt strange with this man..
The man's cologne was obviously the same as his..
Eleanora's boyfriend?
That wasn't... This isn't right.
"Oh, I'm Eleanora's friend."
"Can I know your name?" The middle aged man asked with a smile.
"I rather don't share personal information with strangers." SM answered plainly. They both let go of each other's hands. Sam said, "Oh, I see.. I see you're great friends with my Elle."
My Elle!!

"We're great friends, really close. Funnily enough, she never told me anything about you.."
"Haha." Sam smiled, not feeling provoke what so ever.
Eleanora's father decided to speak, "young man, do you mind coming to see her?"
SM's hardened face turned warmer, "not today. I'm actually a busy business man."
"I see.. I shouldn't disturb you any further then."
"Goodbye.." SM said and turned around to leave. At the same time, Eleanora's father left, leaving Sam standing at the same spot. Suddenly, he picked up his phone and dialed a number...

"First Mistress... I just saw him..." His lips curved into a Crookes sly smile... Crazy indeed..!

The Emperor sat with Raymond as they discussed some matter between them. Just then, a man on black walked in in a haste and reported, "Your Highness, the young madam is back..." Not just Raymond was surprised, the Emperor was as well.
"Mi... Miranda's back?" The Emperor stuttered in confusion.
"Or as she regained her memory and as finally come to cancel the arrangements..?" Raymond spoke out as the Emperor's expression darkened gradually till he finally said, "Send her in."

Raymond cheered internally. He was really planning on stealing the throne with a marriage. Maybe he could just destroy the last string of love between the two and finally take over.
Haha! The rat finally got caught in the trap.
Miranda walked in emotionlessly with a luggage as well...
Every step she took, the Emperor's heart wretched and Raymond's heart gladdened exceedingly. Miranda smiled sinisterly as she watched the triumphant smile on his face. She was going to make sure  he falls from grace to the ground. She will take back every single thing he stole from her
She was going to teach him a lesson!
And now, this was a fight between her and Raymond.
Miranda emotionlessly stood before her father. The clock kept ticking and ticking..
The men in black held their breath and silently prayed for a miracle.
Raymond on the other hand anticipated in delight.

"You found out, huh?" The Emperor said coldly.
A second, two seconds, three seconds went by, a soft voice rang out in the room, "Father..."
What is this?!
Emperor: "..." Huh?
The men in black: "..." This is a special type of explosion, huh?
Raymond: "..." Hey! That's not it! You're not following the script!

Miranda not only repeated herself, she closed up the gap between them with a hug. The men in black were ready to attack in fear. The Emperor was speechless, but still stopped them from getting closer, he was going to take the consequences of any action.
"Father, I miss you... I miss mother.." Miranda wept sadly as she wrapped her arms round his neck. The Emperor felt his heart wrenching in pain.
He missed her too.
He missed his wife.
He missed his family, but she broke him completely.
The men in black retreated and watched the heartwarming scene, as well as Raymond who was about the puke blood by the lovely father and daughter scene before him.
"Shh.." The Emperor slowly and carefully placed his hand at her back and pat it gently.
"Dad..." Miranda released herself from the warm embrace, looked straight in his eyes and sniffled as well, "I saw mama.."

Raymond's eyes bulged out in fear. His legs were about to give way.
She saw... She saw ..
How on earth?
The first mistress needs to be informed...
Raymond sneaked out of the room and dialed a number, immediately, it went through. Raymond ranted immediately.
"It has happened, First Mistress! Miranda saw her! She saw her!"
"Greetings..." The deep masculine voice spoke emotionlessly.
"First Mistress, I'm sorry, but what should I do.. if they find out that the Empress is alive, the secret may be.."
Raymond paused. His brow furrowed as he clenched his fist into a ball, "You're not First Mistress, right..."
There was no reply from the other line.
He was bursted and caught already!
This is crazy.
"Who are you?" He shouted coldly. A soft chuckle sounded from the other end, "it's easy, I am Girasole Morto."


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