Chapter Twenty - Emperor shot the young miss, his daughter... again.

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"Sir, we've gathered informations on 10 people closed with Theodora... That excluding you..." Matt handed a file towards Inspector Williams who accepted it and nodded in acceptance.
"Great, great... You've done a very good job, Matt.."
"Yes, sir."
"You can go now..." Williams ordered as Matt nodded and left.
Immediately, Matt was out of sight, Williams flipped through the file in a haste.
The first was about her parents. There was nothing much.
Then to her fiancé, reading on it,. nothing exactly pointed towards her disappearance.
Williams kept flipping and flipping till it came to two more individuals- Eleanora, her sister and Racheal, hee adopted sister.
Williams paused to read Eleanora's file carefully.
Eleanora and Theodora had a fight a day to her disappearance.
This was definably serious, but still couldn't prove anything yet. Exhausted, Williams flipped to the final page. He stood up to get a coffee. While preparing on his feet, his eyes landed on the file showing Racheal data.
His eyes dimmed slightly, as he dropped the coffee by the table and sat back down on the hair.
Surprisingly, Racheal's data was the most.
Racheal's father?
She has a father?
Theodora brought Racheal home because she had no relations, but now... Racheal not only have a father, she has an uncle and probably a mother.
"This is crazy!" Williams said in shock.
Just then again, Andy's words resurfaced in his memory once again.

The one you love so much wants you dead.
The one you love so much.
The counterfeit.
The phony
Would ride over it's master's head and grind at it's head
The one Theodora loved so much... It's no one else but... Racheal.
The counterfeit will become the master... Racheal will become Theodora?!

Just then, a thought came into his mind.

"Absolutely insane!"

Without waiting a second more, he dashed out of the office.
Matt stood at a hiding place with his phone by his ear. "First Mistress, he just received the package. He probably must have discovered mire than we wanted."
A deep masculine voice responded, "Greetings to the future chief officer, William.. haha."

Miranda sat with the Emperor I'm his quiet place- the study.
"You... You saw your mother?"
"Mhm.." Miranda nodded slowly, "Maybe I was mistaken. I called for her, she didn't respond."
"I see.." the Emperor's eyes darkened.
In real sense, Miranda never saw her mother, the Empress anyway. It was part of the plan.
"You can only go on one condition?" Ramos said.
"What condition..?"
"You must follow my plans... Okay?"
"Your plans? What if it doesn't work or they see through it? I'll be bearing the consequences.." Miranda said with spike of annoyance. Ramos simply smiled and said, "You do know I'm smarter than you are.. it will work, just listen to me.."
Miranda was speechless. She could only stare in confusion at the man beside her.
He definitely wasn't an easy person.

"Dad, do you think everything is alright with mom?" Miranda proceeded in the act. The Emperor had various thought going on in his head.
"Sure, I'll tell Raymond to investigate.." before he could complete his statement, Miranda chipped in immediately, "Is Raymond your son?" Miranda pouted like a child.
"Well... He's more than a son to me.." The Emperor replied with all sincerity. Miranda really wanted to facepalm herself. How low exactly is this man's EQ?
Miranda cleared her throat and spoke, "Well, I meant... Do you prefer him to me, your real daughter.?"
"You still remain my child." The Emperor said and Miranda smiled
"Dad, can I work with you?"
Miranda's words shocked the Emperor, he had no choice but to say, "Miranda, what exactly are you planning to do?"

Miranda sighed in annoyance. It would definitely be hard to gain her father's trust and make him hate Raymond with mere words. She needed prove.
"Dad, will you believe me, if I say that I have no I'll motive..?"
The Emperor looked suspicious but still kept quiet as he watched her.
"Dad, okay, fine! I do have a motive." Miranda sighed in despair.
Miranda's words made the Emperor's emotions fluctuate drastically. He had expected this, but somehow, he wanted to believe that it wasn't true, that for once, he was wrong.

Miranda saw the change in his emotions, just as she expected, or rather, just as Ramos predicted.
"Don't test me, Miranda!" The Emperor gritted his teeth as he spoke word for word.
"Dad my..." Before Miranda could complete her statement, the Emperor pulled out a gun.

Miranda stared in surprise and disbelief.
What the actual fuck?!
This..! What exactly is this!

"Miranda, who sent you here?!"
"Father..." Miranda spoke softly, trying to hide the fear in her voice. Her body shook in fear as she stared at the Emperor in fright.

"Who's your father?! You're a disgrace, you freak!" The Emperor shouted at the top of his voice, with a gun pointed on her face.
"Fath... Father..." Miranda was beyond shocked and surprised at this point.

What's going on?
What went wrong?

Miranda a lot of thoughts going on and on in her mind.
She wasn't going to see the Elder's, anymore. She wasn't able to say her last goodbyes. She was definitely not going to see her twin sister and her father and her mother; Uncle Willy anymore.. what about Ramos..?!

Once again, Miranda didn't want to die again. Especially not in the hands of the man who happened to be her father in this body..
"Miranda!" The Emperor gritted his teeth as he stared coldly at her. His hands gripped tighten the gun, as he said word for word.
"I wish you were never born!"
For a moment, 'Theodora' felt she was really Miranda.
As those words came out of his mouth, she felt her eyes aching bad to tear up. It was as though an arrow was sent straight into her heart. This feelings were different, painful.

'i wish you were never born!'

Now this is pain.
Unable to control her emotions, tears trickled down her fair cheeks - it kept running and running down.
The Emperor's expression hardened as he bit his lower lips so hard. With the gun pointed at her, he inhaled and exhaled simultaneously with his eyes closed. Opening his eyes, suddenly, he pointed the gun to her head. The next sound that was heard was a gunshot, and what was seen next was Miranda's lifeless body crashing to the ground.



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