Chapter Thirteen - Theodora Wilson is...

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Miranda sat quietly in the car as Inspector Williams drove her to the hospital. They both said no words while in the car. Miranda pressed her lips together - a soft smile appeared on her lips as she gazed outside the car. Inspector Williams felt a sense of familiarity with the young lady beside him. He let out a sigh and continued driving.
Soon, they arrived at the hospital. With Williams leading the way, Miranda walked sluggishly behind him. She was scared, really scared

"She's in there." Inspector Williams pointed at the ward just in front. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and walked even more slowly. She looked through the open space at the door. Tears rolled freely down her cheeks.
"This!" She cried out, "How did gbis happen? Who did this to her?"
The Inspector's emotions were complicated from seeing the young girl pour her heart out. He felt sympathy for her, but then, he told himself not to ... 'What if it's all part of the plan?'
"Answer me! What happened?!" She glared at him as tears trickled down her face
"Well... She was run over and ended up her."
"Where was she going to? Who did she associate with? Did she have any friends?" Her questions and pushy remarks made Williams sick. "Hey, hey, look her! Who the hell are you?!"

Miranda realized she had gone too far and all her attitude were suspicious.
'Tsk! How could she clear her name?' she thought
"Well, I'm Andy, Eleanora's friend."
"Eleanora's friend? You really think I'm dumb, don't you? Eleanora has no friend, okay?"
Miranda knew that well enough, but since Eleanora was still bedridden, she could get great benefits from using the title 'friends'

"I'm being honest here, Inspector."
"Who really are you?" Williams stared suspiciously at her.
"What do you mean by who am I? Just go straight to the point, okay?" Miranda said.
Williams stared at her for a while before saying, "you said her sister's dead... What do you mean by that?"
"What do I mean by that?"
Williams chuckled dryly and added, "she's missing, she's still captured in fee videos... So what do you mean by dead?"

Miranda stared in confusion at Williams.
She's not dead?
What the actual fuck?!

"Hey, hey!" Inspector Williams tried to grab her attention.
"Huh? Huh? What?" She looked list in thoughts.
"Answer the question, Andy."
"Oh, that? Ha, Eleanora is such a silly gurl. She told me her sister died."
"She did?" He asked with uncertainty.
"Yes, I asked her how her sister was doing and she said she had no sister, that her sister was gone. I concluded that Eleanora's sister was dead. One of the major reason why I'm here..." Miranda said.

Inspector Williams weighed her words. This was truly what a person like Eleanora could say.
"Okay, sorry for the inconvenience." He apologize sincerely.
"It's fine. As long as everything's fine." Miranda said with a smile. Inspector seemed deep in thoughts when Miranda spoke again, "Uhm... Inspector..?"
"About Theodora..."
"Look Andy, there are something's w even I have no answer to... Sooner, I'll bring answers to those questions."

Miranda was dazed. How could things go this way?
Who exactly is behind all this?
What do they hope to get?

"Okay, Inspector. I should be on my way..." She gave a smile again and he simply nodded in approval.
She was few miles away when he said immediately, "Andy..."
"Uhn?" She turned 180°
The inspector seemed to have a lot on his mind, he heaved a sigh before saying, "If... If you have any information for me, you can call me."

Warmth filled her heart from hearing his words; she smiled softly and said, "Sure... Inspector Willy."
Turning her gaze and leaving Williams to his thoughts, he couldn't help but chuckle.
Inspector Willy.
There was only one person who called him that...

The moment Miranda was out of sight, Wilson came in looking all haggard and stressed.
"Oh, Brother. You're here..."
"Mhm, How is sister-in-law?"
"Well, she's been crying for hours. Thankfully, Racheal is at home to keep her company.."
"Mhm.." Just then, Inspector Williams decided to ask, "Did Eleanora mention having a friend to you?"
Wilson pondered for a while before saying, "Ye... Yes, she said she has a lot of friends now. I thought she was joking about it anyway, why?"
"Oh... A friend came by."
"A friend? Is it a guy?"
"No, a young girl." He answered.
"Oh, probably one of her friends then."
"I guess so..." The Inspector answered.
Miranda paced to and fro the pavement as she thought about a lot of things.
"How..." Just then, she took her phone out and dialed a number.
The call went through immediately, a voice rang out, "Is that you, Boss.?"
"Yes, Blacky.. I need hiu to investigate something for me."
Before the Black Elder could reply, a loud cry was heard from the background, it was obviously the Brown Elder, "Boss! They're bullying me!"

Miranda sighed in despair. "what's going on over there?"
"Don't mind the Brown Elder. Right now, he's drinking a bottle of chilled beer and grilled pork."
Tsk! How shameless could an elder behave?
The Black Elder remembered the last things she said and answered as well, "What do you want me to investigate for you?"
"Theodora Wilson."
"Okay, I'll get all information about her before you're back."
"You can have the Elders help you too."
"Okay, Boss."
"You do know where the villa is, right?".
The Black Elder chocked on his saliva. He didn't expect to be found out just like that. "Boss... We... Erm.."
"I'll text you the address, I still have somethings to settle."
With that, the call was disconnected.
The Brown Elder who was enjoying his time spoke first in excitement, "What did she say?"
"We've got work to do."
"Yes!" The Brown Elder cheered with enthusiasm.
He loved hard task that would make him prove himself. This was the perfect opportunity he had.

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