Chapter Ten - Gay couples - White + Brown

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"You look even more prettier every passing day." Raymond said. Miranda was dressed in a transparent silky free dress with obviously nothing underneath. Her figure was so beautiful. No man at all will be able to resist such beauty. Under the blue moon, her black colored hair fell gracefully on her shoulder. A glass of red wine in her right hand, her attention was fixed on the moon. Her room had a curvature which opened right to the world. One could see as far as possible from over there. Raymond had waited till everyone was gone before he slipped into her room only to find her beautifully staring at the moon.

"isn't the moon so big and beautiful?" she asked with her eyes still fixed on the moon.
"Yes..." He looked at the moon before proceeding to stare at her fair face, "Not as beautiful as you are..."

Miranda chuckled softly. She felt Raymond coming yet closer to her - closer than ever. Ignoring the fact, she was captivated by the beautiful night. Nothing was better than the moon right now to her.
At that moment, she jerked from the cold palm which landed by her backside. Raymond was surely fearless. Miranda bit her lower lips hard as she suppressed the urge to cut his hands off with her sword and divide his limbs all together.

Raymond smiled proudly. He could touch her whenever and however he desired. Haha! He couldn't believe that the great reckless leader would be under his submit. Suddenly, he remembered how he had been pushed away severally by her. How she had told him that he wasn't worth a couple. His anger intensified and with that, he grouped her backside, making her let out a subconscious gasp.

Miranda bit her lower lips till it bled. She was sure that she will make him pay dearly for this night.
Inhaling deeply and exhaling, Raymond let out a deep chuckle and said, "Goodnight, my love. Sleep tight.." He turned around to leave... Well not before spanking her hard.

"That little bastard!" Miranda was fuming in anger.
"I swear, I'll personally dismember every single part of your body and feed it go the wild animals!" she roared angrily. Her face was red and her lips were bleeding as well. "Just wait! I promise you!"

"It's been five days more since the set date that the boss agreed on..." The Great Elder said. The Brown Elder was sulking as he sent a deadly glare at the White Elder.
"I told you all! I said it!"
"Brown Elder, we should wait, the Boss will definitely find her way back..." The Grey Elder said.
"Tsk! You all still have faith? You killed... *sobs* You killed the boss..." The  Brown Elder bursted into tears.
The Black Elder on the other hand rolled his eyes and scoffed internally. Of all people who were worries about the Boss, the Brown Elder wasn't shy to show his...

Suddenly, the Brown Elder paused and gazed coldly at the White Elder who was just about taking a bite from the hotdog he bought. He (the White Elder) sensed a deadly glare directed at him and so he turned to see who it was... As expected.
With his mouth opened wide and his hand hanging in the mid air, he gulped down his saliva. Dropping the hotdog angrily on the table, be frowned and said, "What? What? Huh? Wanna transfer aggression to me now?"

The Brown Elder stared coldly at him without saying a word. He was analyzing and thinking of what to do and say... Just then, the Brown Elder spoke up, "You're the cause!"

"You said that last week." The White Elder said expressionlessly at the Brown Elder.
"You want the crown, yoh covetous little goat!" The Brown Elder cursed.
The White Elder looked less concerned and countered, "You said that the last time too, old fowled mood piglet."

"You...! You're shameless! Now Boss is dead, I'm sure you're happy, happy to rule huh?" Just when the White Elder was about to speak, a voice was heard which startled them.
"Browny, you really do wish me dead, don't you?"
The Grey Elder had a bright and cheerful smile on his face. The White Elder looked peaceful as ever. The Black Elder smiled pleasantly like he has expected her arrival for so long. Only the Brown Elder looked shocked and terrified. "You...! You...!"

"Missed me?" Miranda smiled sinisterly.
She was dressed in a casual wear - a popular children's cartoon characters (Patrick the Star from SpongeBob SquarePants) and a short black knicker, with a pink sneakers that matched with the baggy shirt. Her hair was packed in two cute buns. She looks like a cute little bunny, definitely not the serial killer (their boss) they know.
"Boss!" The Grey Elder smiled cheerfully.
"Do I look too different? I just wanted to wear something casual and simple."

Brown Elder: Casual and simple my ass! This is a complete transformation from a wide cat to a little bunny.

"Boss..." The White Elder spoke this time.
"How have you been settling?"
"That's nice, and what about you, Blacky?"
"We all missed you."

Miranda's face brightened up to a great degree. she said, "So sad, I'll be traveling yet again tomorrow."

Black/Grey/White/Brown Elder: "Travel? What?!"

"Uhm... It's a secret mission anyway.."
Both the White Elder and the Brown Elder looked extremely happy. Their eyes brightened and shun like the stars

White/Brown Elder: "Secret mission?!"
"No need to be excited. I'm going alone and I need no extra luggage to carry about."
The Brown Elder pouted and sniffled and said, "Boss... please..."

"No... no... no..."

"Boss, take only me..." The White Elder pleaded.
The Brown Elder suddenly sent him a deadly glare. Miranda face palmed herself as she shakes her head in disbelief. Raising her head to behold the cat and mouse, she said, "If there's anyone who will go with me, it will be the Black Elder not either of you. and I'm definitely not going with everyone because of you two..."
She laid emphasis on the White and Brown Elder.
The Brown Elder's breathing hasten, his expression grew cold and icy. He looked like he was going to have an heart attack the next minute. To everyone's surprise, the Brown Elder suddenly grabbed the White Elder by his collar and pressed his lips on his.
The White Elder, the Black and Grey Elder looked dumbfounded.
Miranda on the other hand raised her brow in surprised and then began laughing. Since their boss laughing cheerfully, the Black Elder and the Grey Elder equally laughed. Releasing the White Elder whose face turned Green, the Brown Elder clenched his fist and laughed in a awkward way. It was obvious the two badly wanted to rush off to the toilet and puke both blood and their intestine as well.


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