Chapter Twenty-Nine - A goodbye to everyone. The end? Ha, maybe for now.

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Months passed quicker than expected.
The Elders were still not back.
The Black Elder spent quality time with Miranda, and Miranda spent time with Eleanora and Leo.
"Boss, Simon said he has gotten Evidence!" Eleanora screamed in delight. It's been over four months. Her mother and father has searched for them both, but got no clue where they were.

Leo who said he had few hours before arriving had disappeared as well. Inspector Williams knew it was Eleanora who took her brother with her. He was proud of her as well.
I mean... Who wouldn't?
She took you the responsibility of a Parent on her shoulder
Inspector Williams told the two about the safe care of their children. Only then did they feel a little comfort.
Racheal equally lingered around the house, but spent most of her time out of the house.

"Evidence?" Leo stared at Eleanora with mixed facial expression.
"Yes, she can pay the price now. She'll definitely rot in prison no matter what. Haha!" Eleanora cheered happily.
Miranda smiled softly as she stared at Eleanora. Leo had mixed facial expression. Eleanora felt that Leo was feeling sort of guilt or sadness for Racheal.
"Brother, I understand that..."

She was cut short by Leo. Leo didn't feel any pity whatsoever for Racheal anymore. After the investigation and the news he heard as well, he felt disgust rather.
"I don't want to go home."
Leo's words made it so clear.
Home was a place with Miranda. He has settled down and accepted it as home. Sometimes, he felt envious of the Elders who lived with her for years. Tsk! Those lucky old bastards

"Leo.." Miranda called softly.
"Boss, can I work under you?"
Eleanora stared at Leo in surprise and at Miranda who was taken aback as well.
"Leo, you're still so young and free. You should think of starting a life or something." Leo rolled his eyes dramatically and said, "You speak like you're way, way older than me, Boss."
Miranda heaved a sigh and decided to hush. Turning her gaze towards Eleanora, she said, "What's the case as of now?"
Eleanora cleared her throat and replied, "She's on a search. Mum and dad are probably in shock right now."
"Search?" Miranda raised her brow.
"Oh yeah, she's been on a run. We have no news of her. Anything she's planning will defiance not work." Eleanora said with a bright smile. Miranda was deep in thoughts. On a run?

Racheal, what on earth are you planning.?
"First Mistress.. I'm so sorry! Forgive me.." the figure fell hard on the floor in tears. "Please, please, help me!"
The figure which she laid in front of wore a mask and was equally dressed in a Black flowing gown. It was difficult to differentiate whether the first mistress was a male or a female.

"Racheal, you couldn't complete this easy task. Aren't you such a failure?" The masculine yet cold tone sent chills to her heart.
"First... First Mistress.. I... I..." She muttered as she tried to form a word but couldn't.
"You're useless! You're a disgrace! I guess Miranda will always beat you in everything. Ha, even your father prefer her over you." The First Mistress' voice was stern and cold. Her words were like a daggers to Racheal's heart - piercing it over and over again.

Tears trickled down her pale face, as she gripped the hem of her dress. "First... First Mistress, I... I will prove my worth to..."
"You've said that over and over again."
"What... What then should I do to prove my worth? I'll do anything..." Racheal's eyes turned red as she moved from her lying position to a kneeling position.
"Oh really.?" Making a deal with the devil, the worst thing to do. "I hate your face. I want you dead.!"

Racheal's eyes widened, as her jaw dropped disbelief and fear.
Nothing good comes out from making a deal with the devil indeed.

"It's been two weeks already.." Eleanora sighed as she poured herself a cup of milk in the dinning room.
In the sitting room, Leo was sitter with a remote control, watching an horror movie with Miranda by his side.
"Don't be scared, you've got me." Leo said sweetly as Miranda chuckled softly and rolled her eyes dramatically.
"Boss, what do you think?" Eleanora asked.
"Soon, we should be patient." Miranda answered.

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