Chapter Seventeen - Andy speaks in fables, maybe Uncle Willy will understand SD.

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"... If you weak young lads apologize with a bright smile, maybe this old grandpa (I) would show you mercy." The Black Elder said with a taunting smile..

"Hahaha. Red, look at this Old man. He looks all weak and fragile. Tsk! Just a flicker of my finger and he's gonna breath his last."
"Haha. You're right, Boss. He dares to talk all mighty, huh?"
"Old Grandpa probably doesn't know who he is talking to.
Hey Old man, if you can kneel and call our Boss over here, grandpa, we'll let you off."
The two laughed from the words that member has spoken.

"Oh no, Green... Tsk! It's easy, so... Okay.." the Boss in the middle spoke with a sinister smile.
He equally wanted the Old proud man to kneel before him and call him grandpa. Oh how good will that feel.
"Sure, Boss... Hey!, Do has our Boss has spoken if you love your life."
The Black Elder giggled from the words they spoke. This infuriated them to the bone. They had made up their mind to teach him a lesson. Everyone respected them and have them the outmost regard except this old man.

"Little boys, if you apologize sincerely, I promise to let you off.."
"Old man..!" The Boss' side man screamed out from anger.
"Tsk! So bad! I see you don't want to listen, huh?" Black Elder spoke with spike of disdain.
"Old man, you're really a talker, ain't you? Regards to heaven." With those words, the side men attacked at the same time. The Black Elder stood on the same point, emotionless. His eyes looked heavy from lack of sleep. Just when his fist  was few miles away from the Black Elder's face, the Black Elder's lips twitched. As though he had predicted their moves. He skillfully caught his fist in the mid air. Struggling to get his fist away from the old man's hold, he realized that he couldn't; he had underestimated him. This weak old man was too strong for him. While he was yet thinking, sound of breaking bones was heard.
"Ah!" He screamed and fell to the ground in pain and agony.
Not only did the Black Elder capture his hand, he broke it too.

"You...!" The Boss who was watching was completely dismayed.
The other side man attacked, only to be punched in the face and kicked harshly on his leg.
The two men were sent flying to the ground in obvious pain.
Left with their boss and the Black Elder, the Black Elder seemed less interested in doing anything anymore, so he said, "Their hospital bills on you."
With those words, he yawned lazily and turned around to leave.
Anger bubbled in their Boss' heart. He had never been humiliated like this in his entire life. And now, a common old man dared to oppose him. Ha, he sure is dead.

As the Black Elder walked sluggishly - drained of all energy. He had idea what was going on behind him.
Their boss has carried a knife which he hid behind his back, as he approached slowly. Anger bubbled in his heart as he stared at the old man before him. He was going to chop this old man to pieces and feed him to the dogs

With this knife raised up to the sky, about go land on the Black Elder, a gunshot was heard which terrified not only the Black Elder but the side men as well. Turning back to see what had happened, he saw the small mercenary's group boss on the floor in his own blood and a knife by his side; a bullet in his head and surprisingly, a little girl with a gun in her hand.

No one needed to tell him what had just happened.
This... This young and yet beautiful child had saved his life
The two side men seeing that their boss was lying down on the floor, unmoving and in the pool of his own blood. Their eyes trailed slowly to the back... A child!
They both gulped down their saliva in fear.
What was a child using a gun for?
Why was a child holding a gun?
And the workmanship was... Perfect!
The speed, the accuracy... They themselves couldn't achieve what the young child before them did.

She definitely wasn't someone they could thrive with.
Or maybe she's the old man's granddaughter...
Oh no!
Their thoughts were running faster than ever.

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