Chapter Nine - Going to Hell to bring the Devil out!

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"Boss! It's you! Why did... why did you shoot him?" SM stuttered as he bowed his head. The cold young man with a gun in his hand walked over to his side and stared coldly at him, "You've been trailed, you idiot! We have to hurry and get out of here! I've got two human masks in the room, pick your favorite and..."
"You're just going to let them be?"
"Why start a fire out of nothing?"
"Those people... are they dangerous?"

The cold young man said, "This is their base. To end them should be one of the easiest thing to do.. This is their country though.. and the rate of their expansion is really shocking.."
"Shocking? That's why we should strike early."
"Don't bother yourself with them, SM.."
SM couldn't say another word. He simply stared afar off - deep in thoughts.

"Have you gathered any evidence from land 005?"
"Not at al, Inspector. It's as if every single trace was completely wiped out."
The Inspector clenched his fist, trying to control his anger and frustration, and said, "Okay, you can return back to the main office, I'll continue from here."
The young police office nodded and left.

Inspector Williams had taken up this case no matter the deadly circumstances surrounding it because Theodora was his little niece. He had to take absolute measures to bring this case to the light. The Inspector left to the Old Man's home. His house was really small and empty. It's been over three hours since he's been searching. Things were getting harder than he thought.

"Eleanora, my dear." A middle aged woman wept as she hugged the figure who opened the door to enter. The CEO (Wilson) was seated on a couch - not caring about her appearance. Racheal who was inside the rom, dashed out in joy to hug Eleanora whose expressions was unchanging. She coldly released herself from the embrace, shunning them all and proceeding to enter the room, when a voice made her stop.

"And you're becoming worse than your sister."
"Honey!" The middle aged lady tried to intervene. 
Wilson had an entertainment magazine in his hand as he spoke, "Disgusting, humiliating us as well.. You want to be like her? Sure., go ahead! Take illicit videos, call the press, make them video it all!" He stood upon his feet, the magazine in his hand as he stared coldly at his daughter's back view. "But the moment you embarrass me once more, go find yourself a daddy then!"

Warm tears trickled down her cheeks. Biting her lower lips hard, she inhaled a deep breath and said without turning back to look at them. "You never like me anyway.."
With those words, she left to her rom - slamming the door after her.
"You! That little vixen!" He swore as he collapsed on the couch from anger.
"Dad!" Racheal rushed up to his side, massaging his stiff shoulder gently. With a smile, he said with sincerity of heart, " Tsk! What a waste! If only those two were one quarter of you; I'd die a happy man."
"Don't say that, Father" Racheal smiled proudly, "Sister Eleanora is actually just tired of being humiliated in public. She probably wants a peacefully place to stay... and... well, Sister Theodora... we need to give her time."
"Mhm.." The CEO nodded in understanding, "You are such a bright young girl, Hannah.."
Racheal coughed in embarrassment, as the middle aged woman huffed her head in annoyance. "Hannah? Tsk! Her name is Racheal, honey, not Hannah!"
"Oh.. haha, my bad, Racheal.."

Racheal smiled brightly like she didn't care about anything at all. She was like a free little cat.."

Inspector William was in the Old man's room and completely covered in sweat. His throat were dry and his belly needed supply. His energy equally needed to be refilled. Holding his aching head, he stumbled at and fell on the floor. His hand hit an old rusty lamp by the side which fell to the ground and broke into tiny pieces. The Inspector was obviously exhausted and tired - about to call it a day, when his eyes stumbled on a wrapped piece of paper which obviously came from the broken lamp. His eyes widen in surprise, and full of anxiety, he picked the paper up, adjusted himself on the bare floor and read the content.
"This!" He exclaimed in surprise. Staring at a distance, the only thing that he could think of was what exactly the letter meant. William was sure the Old man had let this letter for anyone who stumbled at it.
"This is bad!" He said word for word, terrified and scared of what could happen.
The Old Man's warning rang sharply in his head. They were going to kill him if he keeps investigating. But he had to find Theodora and bring her home. He had to reunite the once peaceful family together and find out who the black sheep was. There was only one thing he had to do... He had to document all trails he finds and keep them safe in case he never makes it out of hell.

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