chapter eleven - wanted to propose, but got hit.

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Note 1 - Wife died and I felt depressed. We're old couples already and I should plan to follow her to follow her to the next life. I want to keep her. I want my wife alive.
Note 2 - Finally found someone who wished to help me. She wants something in return, but I don't think I can do it.
Note 3 - Sealed a deal with the devil. The price I had to pay made me a disgusting old man
Note 4 - The devil wants me to keep paying the price, this is a mistake. I want my wife back, but they won't give her to me. Pure innocent side, but she's full of evil.
Note 6 - The evil witch is a sex addict. She chopped my wife's limbs off when I refused to pay the sacrifice.
Note 7 - The factory keeps gathering dead bodies of people and storing them in the middle chamber. The upper chamber is the largest room and has only one dead.
Note 8 - I have no idea what the evil witch is planning on doing. Nothing good comes from having a deal with the devil.
Note 9 - I sneaked up to the upper chamber again. I saw her there, frozen and tied down, going under several observation and tests.
Note 10 - The evil witch had no use of me anymore. I have to escape from her claws and save my wife later on. I need help!

Inspector Williams laid on bed and kept turning over and over again. The letter kept reading itself in his head. Frustrated from not getting any sleep, he jerked up and tugged his hair violently. Suddenly, he stood up and went to the study, not before preparing a cup of coffee. With a mini book with 200 pages and a pen, he sat in front of his computer and began searching.
All he needed to know was the names of all illegally acquired factories, or factories operating under the shell, and suspicious people.
The night went on...

"Oh, you're here..." Wilson walked in with a bright smile in his face to receive William.
"Oh yes.."
"You look like you haven't sleep for centuries." He joked as Williams heaved a sigh.
"How is Elean doing?"
Wilson's expression changed, "uhn.. locked herself up."
"I saw the video."
"Well, what can I do?"
"How about the young chap? Does he know about .. about the incident?" William asked.
"We've decided to keep it a secret from him. He'll be done next month anyway. Full concentration is needed."
"Oh, I understand..." Williams sighed and continued, "What are we going to do about Elean?"
"Will, I'm actually sending her abroad - somewhere far..."
"With the situation, that's the right thing to do."
"I thought too... Thanks to Racheal's advice."
"Racheal?" Williams raised his brow in confusion.
"Yes, the young little girl that Theo brought home and singlehandedly took care of .."
"Oh, I do know her .." Williams smiled softly, "The smart little one, huh?"
"Yes, yes, the smart one... *Sighs* if only the twins could be as smart as she is, I'd die a happy man."

Williams chuckled and said, "The twins are smart too, they're just a bit reckless."
Wilson countered his point, "A big reckless? You call their rebellious acts 'a bit reckless?' Those children will be the end of me, Will..." Heaving a sigh, he said, "I just wish everything goes back to normal."
"Truly, those days where the twins had each other's back and loved each other to the end of the world."
"Old Will, you still remember those days? It's more like a faint memory to me now.."
"Don't worry, brother.." Williams pat his shoulder gently, "I've got your back. I'll bring back the family one way or the other..."
"Hahaha... I believe, Old Will... So how is your little cherry. It's been a while.."
"She went to Africa with her mother."
"Africa?" He raised his brow in surprise.
"Yes, yes.. My little Cherry wants to have experience of how Africa is. She keeps calling, video calling and sending countless videos of how fun it is over there."
"Fun? Wow! I guess I'll take everyone there someday."
Williams sighed in disparity, "someday, really someday."

Eleanora had a lot on her mind.
She badly wanted to see the shirtless guy again, not the cold jerk anyway. She wished she had stayed longer and avoided the cold jerk's taunt. She kept the white T-shirt with her and the short he gave her. Thinking of the perfect excuse she could give, she decided to return the T-shirt in excuse to see him. She nodded and packed it in a white bad, unlocked her door and walked slowly in order to avoid anyone. Just then, the voice and words she heard made her freeze on the spot. "I remember you wore a men's white shirt and short the morning you came home..."

'This man!' She closed her eyes and bit her lower lips, completely embarrassed. Turning 360° to face her father, she pressed her lips together and sniffled, "It's ... It's a friend's.."
"Oh, a friend?!" He exclaimed with a bright smile. With a second or two, his expression changed subtly to a mocking expression and he said, "You have no friends."
"You...! Dad!" Eleanora whined, "How could you say that to me? Of course I have a lot of friends! Many, many of them!" She pouted her lips like a child and folded her both hands together.

"Oh, I see... Many, many of them..."
"Yes!" She affirmed.
"Nothing, nothing, I'm going..." She stuttered as she scratched her head nervously.
"Going where?" He raised his brow.
"Huh?" She looked so nervous and suspicious.
Staring at his daughter, he knew something was wrong. Looking at her face he said, "Is someone threatening you?"
Eleanora's head which was once bowed to the ground was raised immediately, and she countered almost at once, "No!"

"You...! Tsk!" He frowned and sked again, "Or do you have a boyfriend?"
Eleanora's cheeks burnt red. She was bitting her lower lips harder than ever. Her father chuckled and smiled warmly, "I see... I've gotten my answer..."
Completely embarrassed, she asked, "What... What answer?"
"It's an unrequited love."
Eleanora: "..."
"Father!" Eleanora whined like a child, "How could you wish me bad at this time?"
"What?" He feigned ignorance, "Did I say something wrong?"
"Hmph! I'll prove it to you that the feelings mutual." Laughing at her childish demeanor, he shakes his head in a ridiculous way, "Okay, okay, dear. I believe you, go get him! Fighting!" He said.

Not waiting to be provoke any longer, Eleanora dashed out of the house in excitement. She kept jumping happily on the road.
She was going to tell him!
She knew it was too early for her to confess her undying love for a man she barely knew, but this man has equally completely taken over her thoughts.
She dreamt about him.
A very sweet dream.
In this dream, he was like her prince charming - grabbing her by the waist when she was about to slip off.
His pretty gorgeous face had her completely mesmerized.
This was simply the man of her dreams and she was going to do anything just to get him.
Eleanora was deep in thoughts and booming with excitement. She didn't notice the sudden diversion the incoming vehicle made. Before she could process what was happening, she was flung to the other side of the road with blood coming all out of her mouth. Her eyes slowly moved to the bag with the White T-shirt. Her heart was aching and her head was hurting even badly. Her eyes wanted to close itself, but all she wanted was to hold the bag close to herself - inhale the sweet smell and fall to slumber. Just at that moment when her eyes was about to close, a man walked over having exactly the same sweet smell as the shirtless man... Before she could see who it was, she fell into a deep sleep.
Over from the other side, a man on black took his cellphone and made a call, "First mistress,. mission accomplished."

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