Chapter Two - Girasole Morto

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In a huge villa by the oceanside, there sat a young lady on a King sized chair. Her black tinted hair, dark as coal fell gracefully on her shoulder. Her brown eyes were sparkling and so beautiful. Deep within the beauty was anger, rage and death. Her lips curved into a smirk - red lipstick which added to her obvious beauty as well. Dressed in a red leather dress accompanied with a black heels, she looked like the 'goddess of war'. Her face held no warmth at all. She looked soulless and emotionless - she is the Girasole Morto!

Everyone knew her emotions merely from what she wears. The day she wears 'Red', it was over for them all. Red meant grave danger and they'll all maintain themselves. Once, she wore a red dress the week before, two men got killed for breathing loudly. Everyone knew her for a beast. The only one she loved was her dearly be-loveth and her close subordinates. Things grew worst and turned the other way round after the clash with the Russian mafia leader. She came back drained of blood, she instructed her subordinates to keep silent and stay still. No one knew what business or connection she had with the Russian mafia leader, no one dare to ask. Arriving at the villa with her face pale from lost of blood with spike of fear on her face, she collapsed in the hands of her beloved. Things were bound to be this way. She stared softly into his eyes and said some inaudible words to him before she lost consciousness. No one could believe that the boss would ever be so vulnerable. Her beloved cared for her, so much even during her period in coma. He never left her side for a second - he used a wet towel to slowly clean her face. He took special care of her for two years. After the two years, she woke up but he never returned or visit her for a moment; he had vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. Their boss equally changed after coming out from coma. She had lost her skills and had become like a frightened little chicken. With their boss this way, they would definitely encounter difficulty. Their boss on the other hand ignored their words and lashing, and kept training heavily by herself. They felt something was different from her, but they couldn't just point out what was wrong.

Within the space of three months, her martial skills had grown past the previous. She had become agile. The reckless spirit had completely vanished away. She had become ruthless, emotionless, full of hate and anger. While few close subordinates made plans to end her life and take over her crown, she acted so fast that no one could think of how she did it no only did her strength increase, her IQ equally did. The day before their plans, she set out for a meeting. She was dressed in a red ball gown. Her close subordinates scoffed and hissed at the sight of her glamorous dressing.

'Ha, shouldn't she just go and get married already?'

'She isn't fit to lead us anymore.'

'You're right, Elder. She has lost her power. She is just like a chicken which has lost all its feather completely.'

'Who does she think she is? Calling a meeting?!'

'Calm down, Brown Elder. She probably wants to announce her retreat from the throne.'

'Hmph! She better.'

As she walked into the room, she ignored the comments made by the three elders. A sly smile appeared on her emotionless face; this smile sent chills to their hearts and down their spine. Clearing her throat, she began, "I called this meeting to bring to your all notice about the reformation that will go on in this place. You may be asking yourself... What reformation? As you all know, I clocked 20 years few weeks ago, and I've been leading you all since 10 years ago. I brought you all from the dust and dirty dung hill, and set you in a position where you feel at peace and home. However, during my days in coma, the Black Elder had been such a lovely person and took over my postion temporarily, as the head. Thus, there have been some division even after I regained consciousness. I am here to clear the air, I remain the head of all of you.."

The black Elder smiled and said cooly, "Miranda, you're still so young and therefore you must have forgotten how things work..." Staring at the Black Elder, the smirk gradually widened and the aura became tensed. Seeing that the Black Elder has spoken, her subordinates chipped in fearlessly.

"Yes, the Black Elder is right."

"That's true, the boss is still so young and reckless."

"Tsk! We definately do need change!"

"Miranda, my grandfather is right. You're still so young and stupid. You need to free the air..." The Black Elder chuckled and added almost immediately... "Don't mind my grandson, he's so silly, you do know that.... Right..?"

"Black Elder, how shameless exactly are you?!"

"White Elder, you should know your place!" The Black Elder replied coldly.

"I should know my place? Of course I do know my place! If not for the generosity of the boss, you the Grey Elder, the Brown Elder and I would have died on the streets on way or the other. Now, you're planning to overthrown your master!"

The Black Elder was dumbfounded and short of words, "You...! How am I trying to overthrown the Boss?!"

"Tsk! Your plans are obvious even to a blind man! After the Boss slipped into coma, you were made the head and during that period, you selfishly wished everything would become yours. You wanted the Boss' place, so you gradually grew an army for yourself. You wanted to overthrown your master! You're a mere dog who wants to bite the hands that fed it!"

"You..!" Aggrieved and full of anger, he turned (black Elder turned) desperately at the Boss and bowed his head. "Boss, don't believe the White Elder. I've sworn my loyalty to you, I'll never do such evil to you."

She stared at them all without saying a word. The black elder's grandson suddenly chipped in furiously, "Grandpa! How could you bow your head low to this.... To her?! I'm older that her and I respect you... How could you..." He was interrupted by a heavy slap on his right cheek. "You stupid bastard! Is this how I raised you? Do you want to get yourself killed?!" Astonishment and surprise filled his eyes, as he held his face and said, "Grandfather, did... did you just lay your hand on me... for her?" Before he could complete his statement, two resounding slap landed on his right cheek. The black elder's palm were printed right on his face. The elders who once supported the Black Elder got a glimpse of what had just happened - the Boss remained the Boss, and the Black Elder's grandson almost got himself killed. Everyone knew just how much the black Elder loves his grandson.

Staring sternly at him, the Black Elder spoke angrily, "Apologize to the boss, now!"

Unable to understand why his grandfather had changed his directions suddenly, one thing was sure, he was saved from the claws of the great lion. Bowing his head pitifully, he walked a few steps towards were the Boss sat looking all mighty. "I am so sorry for disrespecting you. It was stupid and wrong for me not to acknowledge you, Big boss. Forgive me just this once.." After speaking, Miranda cleared her throat to speak, her expression were still the same and unreadable. Everyone turned silent to listen to what she had to say.

"Robin or should I say, Black Rubber... To everyone here, I am their Boss, to the ones in too low ranks, I am their Big boss, but what do they know me for in the other side of the world?"

The room was still and quiet as she continued, "During my absence, we were humiliated and taken for granted all because you had no real leader then.." Laying emphasis on the word "REAL", the elders coughed softly and the black Elder's expression darkened for a moment. Forcing a smile, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "And so, your leader is back. I'll take revenge for all of you and for me..." Deep darkness flashed in her eyes for a second. It was as though, mere illusion. "I am here to announce my Identity. I am Girasole Morto!" Immediately she finished her statement, there was an uproar. A crooked smile appeared on her face as she stared at a distance. No one could understand or know what she was thinking about, all they knew and sensed is that she had truly become Girasole Morto.

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