Chapter Three - Factory for the dead.

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"The disappearance of the daughter of the prominent business tycoon, CEO Wilson Harry has sent chills to the hearts of everyone. It's been two years and the reckless daughter of the wealthy family is yet to be found. After an argument with her parents concerning her fiance, she dashed out the the house and never returned. It's been rumored that she was caught by various street sellers and famous celebrities, on the road with some old man who was said to be her husband. How the rich has rich has fallen indeed. From being a rich, wealthy young lady who has a the love from her parents and her sister and very much importantly - her fiancé, to becoming the wife of a old fisherman whose 70 years old wife died five years ago. Such a sad story indeed.. the next story is about the..."

"Racheal, turn off the TV now!"

"Okay.." clearing her throat, she turned her face to her sister. " Well, sister Elean.."


"Do you... do you miss sister Theo a lot?"

"Why should I?" Eleanora looked away from her, her attention were focused on setting the table.

"I mean... She's your sister. I miss her so much..."

"If you miss her so much, you can as well look for her, Racheal."

"But even the police can't find her and..." Interrupting Racheal, she slammed her hand on the table, frightening the young lass. "Look, Rachael! I understand that you miss my sister so much that you're beginning to mistake us for each other, but mind you, Theo isn't me and I'm not Theo! Theo was the one who saved you! Theo was the one who treated you like Human, not me! Theo is the one who ran away, embarrassing both mom, dad, and me, making us all a joke and... and making a fool out off Oliver. She's fucking ruining our family. I wish I never have to see her face ever again, because when I stare at the mirror, I see her! Why do we have to have the same goddamn face, like fuck! So Racheal, please, don't talk about Theo with me. You love her? She can be your fucking sister for all I care." Walking angrily away, Racheal stared sadly at the dinning table and sighed softly, "I miss Theo.."

"Inspector, you still have no clue..?"

"I'm sorry, br... Chairman... Something is wrong. It's like when we're about to hit the target, a news comes up about your daughter, and we loose track again..."

"What are you trying to say?"

"What I'm saying is that, it's as though your daughter vanished into thin air .We have no clue about the Old man in the news. The CCTV footage, as you know, years back was completely wiped out and destroyed. It seems as if your daughter is completely gone out of this world and at the same time, we see pictures of her all over the news..."

"Inspector, I do understand my own daughter. She's still angry with need and this is her way of unleashing her anger out on me.

"But this isn't right... It's..." A phone call came in making him pause to take the call. "Hello, yes, you found him? Track him down! Make sure you don't loose him! Good, I'll be right there!" Ending the call, he turned with a bright smile on his face as he stared at the CEO.

"What happened?" He asked nervously.

"We found the Old man.." surprise and happiness blasted in his heart as he gasped. You did? Let's go, let's go now!"


"What's wrong hoping in for a ride?" He raised his brow and teased the inspector, who laughed softly on his feet, took his jacket and gestured for the CEO to led the way

The car came to a pause, as the inspector and the CEO came out of the car. Before them was the police Van and the police all together holding an old man who kept mumbling words

"I'm telling you, they're going to kill me! Help me! I have to run, they're really going to kill me!"

The inspector walked towards the old man with his hand by his side. He paused in front of his, too out his ID card and showed it to his face. "I'm inspector William, from City's police station headquarters. You have the right to remain silent and come with us for questioning."

"I can't, I can't... They're going to kill me!"

"Who? Who is going to kill you?"

"That lady! The pretty reckless one.."

"Do you mean Theodora?"

"Theodora?" The old man repeated with slight uncertainty. "She doesn't seem like someone to bear that name... I don't know her name.."

"So you mean you have no idea the name of the person who wants you dead...?"


"I see..." The inspector chuckled as he pulled out his phone, click some unknown and stretched the phone towards the old man. The old man strained his eyes and asked, "Who is this?"

"You mean you have no idea who this lady in the picture is?" The old man answered with a frown, "I've never seen her before..."

"Well, it was rumored that this lady in the picture is your wife.. you both have pictures together in fact.."

"What?!" The old man screamed as his body trembled slightly "it's only that evil witch that has been with me..." The inspector stared suspiciously at the Old man and said, "evil witch?"

"Yes, she's been with..." Suddenly, the old man paused, his eyes bulged out as he took a look at the picture in the phone again. "You...! This! How can this be? This is...!"

"What are you saying?" Sweat trickled down his wrinkled face as he stared at the picture in disbelief, and then at the inspector, "End this search right now!"

"What do you mean by we should end this search right now?" The inspector raised his brow in anger and fury.

"This! She... This case would do you no good. You're digging your own grave by searching more on this case.."

"What do you mean old man? Do you know where my daughter is?" The CEO finally spoke after much silence.

"Your daughter? She is... She is your daughter? I'm sorry for your loss.."

"My loss!" The CEO stared in disbelief and so did everyone present.

"She's dead.."


The inspector said, "Do you have any idea what you're saying? You could end in..."

"Inspector, end this case, the evil witch would definitely hunt you down, sooner or later.. she's probably going to hunt me..."

"Since you say she's dead, then were is her body at least..?"

"She..." The old man paused as a teardrop fell from his face. "She..."

"Talk!" The inspector was running out of patience.

"She's at... at... at..." At that very moment, a bullet was fired in the air and landed straight at the old man. Immediately, the Police took out their guns to chase the serial killer. Only the inspector remained. The CEO had been taken away to safety. The inspector knelt down as he placed his ear near his lips to hear his words. Blood gushing out of his mouth, as he struggled for words, "At... at.. the.. at the .. fa... factory... My wife... my wife is... there... help me... save her..." With those words, the old man inhaled and breathe his last, leaving the inspector in dilemma.

"Factory? His dead wife? Theodora? She's dead? Save them both?" No matter how hard he thought, it all couldn't mean a thing in his head.

Unknown to him, a young man, disguised as a police officer stared at the bloody scene and smiled, "Tsk! Such sad."

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