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'I already know which one's for me' Y/n thought to herself. Her eyes landed on a red crystal, she picked it up and on a closer look, it was dark on the inside. She knew she had to pick this because she was told to pick this.

"We prepared a special crystal for you Y/n-san, choose a red crystal that's dark on the inside once you finish the selection" it is a month before final selection, and Y/n had sneaked out, as per his request, once again.

Y/n hummed "how will you place it there without raising any suspicions?"

He smiled, what seemed like a sweet innocent smile, held a deeper and darker secret inside "You're forgetting who you're talking to Y/n-san, my children can easily take care of it"

❦ ❦ ❦

The day came, and Y/n was yet again in a conversation with Tanjiro, although she only hummed and nodded her head at some of the things he's saying.

Y/n lifted her head and looked over at Urokodaki "Someone's here"

Urokodaki and Tanjiro were both confused until they heard bells from afar. Urokodaki stood up, and went to the door, Tanjiro followed, he held out a hand to Y/n, she just stared at it and stood up on her own.

Tanjiro looked down at his hand, disappointment showing in his face and his aura. Y/n felt as if though she had kicked a baby, which usually feels good, but she patted Tanjiro on the head and said "Thank you anyway" before walking behind Urokodaki.

Blush tinted his cheeks and he felt a lot better, even better, so he happily stood next to Y/n, a big smile plastered in his face. The bells came to a stop, and the person was now infront of the house.

After talking, letting him in, making tea, and more talking, he was now bringing out Tanjiro's katana, whilst talking about how powerful it is and how excited he was to see the color that Tanjiro will get.

'color? This will be interesting' Y/n thought, watching Tanjiro almost as intensely as the person who made it, which she now knew as Hotaru.

After waiting a while, the katana that was being held by Tanjiro slowly turned black, this surprised both Urokodaki and Y/n, Hotaru on the other hand seemed mad.

He Shaked Tanjiro, and yelled at him, before calming down and finally bringing out Y/n's katana.

"L/n-san, the crystal you picked for your sword was quite...unique, I haven't seen anything like it, hence I made it with extra care and so it is extra special" Hotaru said, bringing the katana closer to Y/n.

Holding it's handle, Y/n felt pressure on her in an instant, she could feel everyone's piercing stare. Just like Tanjiro's katana, it changed color, but not how everyone expected it to.

From the bottom, it was red, then, when it reached the top it was complete black. Y/n looked at everyone in the room, even with masks on, she could tell both Urokodaki and Hotaru's mouths were open in awe just like Tanjiro's.

"What does this mean?" Y/n asked, everyone snapped out of their trance and looked at Y/n.

"We don't really know, this is the first time a sword had this kind of color" Urokodaki said

"But that doesn't mean it's bad, for all we know it could mean you will be the first to kill the demon progenito!" Hotaru says in a positive tone.

Y/n hummed and looked at her sword, and noticed the red moon and black sun "interesting shield Hotaru-sensei"

Hotaru flinched and looked at the shield "I-I didn't put that there?? What's going on???"

Y/n could sense a strong presence touched this shield, she wasn't going to lie, she was impressed, to have put this shield on the katana without it's maker knowing. Either the maker was dumb or the one who put this was very skilled.

"Y/n-san! Good job on training today!" Tanjiro smiled brightly at Y/n, it had been a year and a half after they had arrived at Urokodaki's house "let's get back, I'm making dinner tonight!" He says walking back.

"I'll meet you there, I want to train my breathing more" Y/n says, the boy, who got used to this, nodded. Sensing the presence get closer as Tanjiro got further, Y/n turned "He sent you didn't he?"

"No" they hummed and smiled "I just wanted to spend some time with you~ you've already spent time with the others" they pouted.

Y/m didn't respond and just nodded "one hour", and with that, the two walked off into the night to a nearby village. Y/n looked around the shops as her companion bought her as many food as he can.

Her eyes landed on a shield, it had a red moon and black sun, Y/n didn't know why, but she felt the need to have it, she stared at it for five minutes until she decided to just walk away. This didn't go unnoticed by her companion though.

"C'mon, you need to eat to keep your energy up!" They said feeding the girl more sweets

"I still need to eat dinner with Tanjiro-san" Y/n says pulling her face away from the sweet.

"You know you're already stronger than him, even the retired hashira even! What's his name again..? Ukodoraki?"

"It's Urokodaki"

They smiled at Y/n "you sure are talkative today! Are you in a good mood seeing me again?"

Y/n didn't answer 'changing the subject hm?' she thought. Just then she stood up, pat them on the head and walked back to where she was staying. "If I stay any later they would get suspicious" she says.

They didn't say anything, they just held their head where Y/n had patted them, their cheeks flushing red very quickly, as their smile grew wider. They sighed "You're so mysterious Y/n-san, cute and mysterious~"

Tanjiro held Y/n's uniform infront of her, handing it to her with a smile, she nodded and took it, she pat the boy as a thank you, at this point, the boy had already gotten used to it and kept doing things to earn them.

Y/n closed the door and began to undress, thoughts filled her head and she didn't even notice the blushing figure infront of her. Y/n snapped out of her trance and saw none other than Nezuko staring at her, face red.

Y/n had already taken off her shirt to put on the top, she slowly pushed Nezuko out, sliding the door open then closing it after. On the other hand, Tanjiro stared at Y/n wide eyed, his face started to turn red.

"N-Nezuko! I thought you were still asleep!!" He rushed over to Nezuko after Y/n closed the door, both sibling's face were red "Y-Y/n-san, I'm very very sorry!" He yelled through the door.

Nezuko was quiet, she stared blankly infront of her, as if she was paralyzed. This made Tanjiro panic "N-Nezuko!! Are you alright?! NEZUKOOOO!!" Tanjiro kept yelling.

Urokodaki had seen the scene unfold infront of him, he sighed 'how did he pass such an exam with his soft heart..'

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