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Y/n could hear yelling, as she slowly opens her eyes, she she sees that the woman boy is screaming at Tanjiro, who just ignores him and Zenitsu's noises. Y/n groans as she starts to sit up straight, everyone slowly turned to her.

"Oh, you're awake-" Tanjiro was cut off


"WHO'RE YOU CALLING BORING?!" The male shouts, and turns to face Y/n "YOU!" he points at her "YOU'RE THE GIRL WHO KNOCKED ME OUT, WHAT'S YOUR NAME"

Y/n covered her ears as if to tell him he's loud "Calm down first and tell me yours" she says with a soft voice.

The male grits his teeth and says "fine" then crosses his arms "Hashibira Inosuke!" He shouts but not as loud as before.

"L/n Y/n" she says and she stands up, she looks over at the graves, she stares as Tanjiro prays, Zenitsu hugging the little boy while Y/n could feel Inosuke stare at her.

After a few minutes they finally went on their way, Inosuke surprisingly follows and still states at Y/n through his mask, as they were about to leave the children and the man after giving them charms, Zenitsu clung tightly on the young boy once again.


Y/n walks over to them and puts a bag of chocolate on the boy's hand "Share this with your sister" she says and hugs the two kids. Cross popping veins the appeared on Zenitsu's head like the ones that happen in anime.


"Stop it Zenitsu-san, Y/n was just being nice.." Tanjiro says

"FIGHT ME!!" Inosuke suddenly yells, pointing at Y/n once again


"Guys..?" Tanjiro tries to talk but the yelling and shouting was too loud that his voice can barely be heard

Y/n only stood up as a crow landed on her shoulder telling her where to go next, knowing that the three arguing boys would follow, Y/n began walking. She then hears Zenitsu calling her name and footsteps trying to catch up.


Four of them stand in front of a gate as it slowly opens and an old lady then let's them in, telling a story. As Y/n walks, she could feel many people stare at her, she turns and sees that some of the maids were whispering to each other, once they noticed they got caught they bowed and ran away.

Y/n could also tell that the old lady kept glancing her way everytime she stops talking. The three reach a room with three futons on the floor.

Y/n pointed at the futons and the three boys notice, Tanjiro gets flushed 'd-does that mean she has to share a futon with one of us?! W-What if she picks me?? Will she be comfortable sleeping with me?!'

Zenitsu smiles widely 'She'll be sleeping in a futon with one of us!!! I hope she picks me!! Sleeping with a goddess like her would be a dream come true! Y/N-CHAN PLEASE CHOOSE ME!!'

Inosuke just stands there, he doesn't really react that much and doesn't understand why Y/n was pointing at the futons.

"Oh my, well, we thought you would want your own privacy..since they're all boys we thought you would want your own room" the old lady speaks

Y/n shakes her head "I'll just sleep here"

"Then let me get you a futon-" the old lady was cut off by Y/n's hand

"I can just sleep next to the box, it's alright" Y/n insisted 'I've slept on a rock once while training with tanjiro, a box would be more comfortable, and I'm scared this old lady would break her back or something..' Y/n sweats

The old lady seems confused, and was about to let it go until the two boys, who had a look of shock on their faces, insisted on getting Y/n a futon.

"A QUEEN SHOULDN'T SLEEP UNCOMFORTABLY!! GET HER THE SOFTEST FUTON!!!" Zenitsu yells, shaking Y/n, Zenitsu then gets kicked from the side of his stomach by Inosuke.

"I'M BEATING HER BEFORE YOU CAN ORANGE BOY!!" Inosuke yells, he really just wanted to kick him so he wouldn't touch Y/n.

Tanjiro sighs "Can you show me where you keep the futons? I'll carry it for you" he smiles at the old lady, she nods and the two leave the room.


The three were waiting for Y/n at the table, they all had changed clothes and Y/n was led to a different room to change, Tanjiro had to drag Zenitsu and Inosuke to stop him from bothering her.

The door opens to reveal Y/n in the same clothes as everyone else, although she seems uncomfortable. The three stare at her as they had never actually seen Y/n in anything else other than her usual uniform.

Y/n had kept her haori and held it close to her, the three didn't know why Y/n wouldn't want it to be washed but shrugged it off as something personal.

Before they even start eating, Inosuke grabbed his food and eats a couple of Y/n's, he then smiles with his mouth still full. Tanjiro tries lecturing him, same with Zenitsu, but Y/n simply pushed her food to Inosuke.

The three looked confused until Y/n pulls out a bag of chocolates, Inosuke was about to grab it but Y/n quickly caught his wrist and looked him in the eye. This made not only Inosuke but also Tanjiro and Zenitsu nervous.

Inosuke takes his arm back and continues eating as Y/n stared at him for a few more minutes, Tanjiro and Zenitsu eats as well but glances back and forth towards Y/n and Inosuke, soon, Y/n begins eating her chocolates with a small blush and a smile that's barely noticeable.

The boys stop eating for a moment to stare at Y/n, 'Her blush is so cute!!' The three unknowingly thought at the same time, Y/n once again let her guard down and relaxed as she ate more chocolates.

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