Sun Breathing (changed)

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Sun Breathing
This is a breathing that can only be learned if the user is strong enough or if they can learn moon breathing. This breathing can only kill demon's not help them.

A/n: I know there's already a sun and moon breathing but once again, it's been a while since I watched this and most of the ideas I get are from books I've read. The things I changed are going to be needed in the story.

Also, I already changed moon breathing's first form before I wrote the Forms so I decided to just change all of them.

First Form: Sunrise
➥ when cutting a demon's head, they will see the sunrise for the first time in a while, making their death a peaceful and calm one.

Second Form: Blades of Rays
➥ when striking a demon (any part of the body) there will be light / rays that follow with the user's cut, it will cut through the demon, no matter how strong their skin is.

Third Form: Sun Burnt
➥ when cutting a demon in any part of its body, the burn will slowly burn the demon without it even realizing this. They will only realize it once they notice their body slowly disintegrate. Thus their death will be painless, but when touching the demon whilst it disintegrate they will feqel as if they're being cooked alive.

Fourth Form: Ball of Flames

➥ this will create a ball of flames and when slicing with the Katana, wherever direction the user sliced at, the ball of flames will be thrown quicker than lighting to that direction.

Fifth Form: Burning Sunrays
➥ when cutting the target, just like the third form, it will burn the part where the user cut, but instead of disintegrating, the part of the target where they were cut will start burning, and if they live for 30 minutes they will explode.

Sixth Form: Sphere of Light
➥ when attacking the target, small spheres of light follows the user cutting and burning the parts that it hits.

Seventh Form: Cutting Lights
➥ the user's Katana lights up as bright as the sun, and when cutting a demon, it disintegrates them as if the sun had gone through their body, no matter which part had been cut.

Eighth Form: Burning Soul

when a demon gets cut with this form, their insides start to burn, their skin melts and a few seconds later, they explode.

Ninth Form: Calmed of Hatred
➥ the user either uses their anger or other's, and the user's Katana starts to turn into flames, depending on the rage that is used, each attack that is used on a demon, the demon would feel intense amount of pain for them, along with that, they would also hear screaming in their head from time to time. This attack would last 20 minutes of the user just slicing the demon back and forth until the user finally ends the demon's pain by slicing it's neck.

Tenth Form: Solar Eclipse

➥For the user to use this, they must first Activate and Use the Moon Breathing Tenth Form

➥The user must wait until a solar eclipse happens and on that very day, the user must need to have gained over 90% control of the Moon Breathing's power

➥Once activated, the chance that the user dies then increases, meaning there is only a 5% chance the user survives

➥If the User dies, they will be reincarnated as the new demon progenitor many many years after their death, if the user survives and dies in the future, they will be reincarnated as a god

➥Being reincarnated as a god means, the user will still have their power but more stronger, and the user will be able to go to any universe or dimensions they please.

➥If the user brought someone back to life before this power, they will be free, meaning they won't have to serve the user anymore and will be seen as humans or demons once again.

➥The user will have a new form, what ever they choose, and whenever they want to change it.

Y/n will be using both Sun and Moon breathing, it may sound dumb but just imagine it's normal lol.

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