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Y/n sits down on the wooden floor outside, it was evening and the boys were preparing to sleep, Y/n snuck outside as they fought. A red butterfly lands on her nose and Y/n stiffened.

She never really liked messing with insects that have wings, to her, they are always unpredictable, or it may just be a silly little fear she has. But Y/n had always loved seeing the insects beautiful patterns.

Y/n thinks back to the time she found a long worm and showed it to her big brother, who let out a scream that sounds like a little girl in danger, her little siblings would always laugh and try to hold the small creatures that Y/n found in their garden.

One in particular they never liked, big spiders, little spiders are alright with Y/n since she thinks they're adorable and she knew that the small ones from her house were never poisonous ones, but big spiders she doesn't like.

The girl then remembers Rui, Upper Moon 2 once brought Rui over to discuss something with Muzan and from there on, Rui would always try to come over once or twice a week.

The butterfly soon flew away and lands on a post, Y/n examined the beautiful black and red patterns, it almost reminded her of Muzan's plum red eyes, he was always cold towards Y/n but she could feel that he's protective of her.

Y/n looked up at the starry nights 'how did I get this far even after meeting Muzan-san' she thought to herself and closed her eyes, feeling the cold night's wind.

A pair of footsteps then approached her from behind Y/n slightly opens her mouth as if to say something but stops and closes it.

"What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be inside? Are you planning on fighting me in my sleep?!" A rough voice spoke from behind Y/n.

"Just enjoying the night" Y/n said nonchalantly "Why are you asking?"

Inosuke sits beside Y/n and looks at her, he wasn't wearing his boar mask like usual, he then looks up to see what Y/n was looking at.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the room right now?" Y/n asks, not comfortable with the sudden silence.

"I saw that you weren't in the room, I was suspicious" he said and crosses his arms, he then turned his body so it would be facing Y/n and leaned his back against a wooden pole.

Y/n hums as Inosuke stares at her, the moonlight shone brightly and the way it lights against Y/n's h/l h/c hair, and how calm Y/n's face looked, and the only thing that was missing was the light in her e/c eyes.

Inosuke doesn't notice how his face heats up and her cheeks turn pink, Y/n turns to look at him and her e/c eyes meet with pale green ones. Inosuke's eyes widen a little, the girl's eyes weren't as cold as when he tried to take some chocolate earlier, his face turns red and he turns his head to look back up at the sky.

The boy questioned why his face suddenly felt hot, why his heart was beating so fast and why he had been staring at the girl since he woke up from being knocked out by her. 'This will all go away when I finally beat her in a fight!' He thought to himself.

"Let's go back inside, it's getting cold" Y/n stood up and looked down at Inosuke. The boy doesn't say anything, which Y/n questioned internally, usually he would shout at her or tell her not to tell him what to do.

As the two enter, they notice Zenitsu chasing Tanjiro with his katana. Nezuko sees Y/n and runs up to her and gives her a big hug, Y/n pats her head in return.

Zenitsu sees Y/n and runs up to her crying almost immediately, dropping his katana, Tanjiro sighed. Zenitsu falls to his knees as he gets closer to Y/n, still not noticing Inosuke beside her.


Y/n achred an eyebrow, she then looks at Tanjiro who was blushing furiously because of what Zenitsu had just said, then Y/n looks back at Zenitsu "I-"

"What the hell is dating?!" Inosuke cuts Y/n off.

Everyone in the room looked at him as if he just asked what walking meant "Well..when two people like each other, they go on dates, as in, going out to eat, having fun, and well..." Tanjiro blushes even more "sometimes at the end of the date...they..k-k-kiss.."

Inosuke thinks to himself "so there would be food? Would I be able to fight them?" He asks

"No no, if you like them, you wouldn't fight them, unless it's a friendly fighting" Tanjiro explains some more

"Well what about the kiss? Would that be like our mouths fighting to see who hols their breath the longest??" Inosuke asks once again

"T-T-That..that..I-I.." Tanjiro tries to say something but fails


The two start to argue and Tanjiro tries to stop them but Zenitsu accused him of taking Y/n for himself by playing 'good guy's and thus he gets dragged into the argument.

Y/n walks over to her futon and moves it closer to the box Nezuko stays in, she sits down and watched the boys continue to fight. Nezuko sits in front of her box and lays her head on Y/n's lap, she stares at Y/n's blank e/c eyes as Y/n starts playing with her hair.

The fight soon ends as the old lady interrupts everyone asking them to quiet down, that's when Tanjiro apologized and hit the two in the head. Zenitsu wanted to move his futon next to Y/n's but Tanjiro wouldn't allow it and Inosuke kept asking Tanjiro about dating and kissing and all that.

Y/n ends up falling asleep as Nezuko's teddy bear, hugging her from behind and burying her face in the girl's neck. Tanjiro looked at the two, he looks at them with a frown 'I should be happy Nezuko's finally comfortable with someone as a demon so...why do I feel this way..?' He sighs and lays down, slowly falling asleep.

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