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Tanjiro lies on the ground, trying to get up, as Y/n stood protectively in front of him, still with the blank face. After fighting with the two demons the other demon, who had green hair, suggested to attack the arrow demon as they handle the other one.

The two of them got slammed against a tree, yet Y/n stood up and went in front of Tanjiro. The arrow demon seem confused but ultimately happy that he gets to fight the girl who mocked him at the start.

He launched arrows at Y/n and she started to run to a different direction, she then goes to a wall, runs to it and flips her body over, making the arrows go flying upwards. Y/n then notice that the arrow demon had started to focus on Tanjiro who tried cutting through the arrow.

Y/n deadpanned, 'why does he think he can cut through them...its like cutting air..or a tornado at that' Y/n then took this opportunity to run to the demon.

When the demon heard footsteps coming towards him, it was too late, his head slowly fell off his body after a slicing sound, both his hands were cut off as well.

Y/n stared at the body with what seemed like her usual expression, but, raising his hand to look at Y/n, he could almost see bloodlust in her eyes, but they disappeared quickly.


He lifts his hands up once again "If I'm going down, I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME" and with that, several arrows came at the two slayers.

It happened all too quickly, as the arrows squeezed the two slayers together, it sounds them around whilst it goes up, higher than the roof of the house. Tanjiro held Y/n tightly, as he tried not to vomit in front of the girl, or worse, on her.

Soon the demon fully disintegrated, an the arrows stopped, Tanjiro tried using his breathing to help make the fall somewhat smaller, but he couldn't as he was holding the girl.

"Hold on tight" Y/n said and she turned around, facing the ground they were soon going to hit her eyebrows furrowed, trying to see clearly, Tanjiro, although confused, nodded and held on tighter.

Breathe of Moon, first form, anti-gravity

Y/n held her katana above her head, ready to slice the ground, her body became lighter the sooner she was going to swing her katana, once they were close enough, Y/n flipped and swung her katana, leaving a big and deep cut on the ground, as if the katana became heavier than the house when it sliced it.

This made the fall lighter, making Y/n slowly fall on her feet as they hit the ground, Tanjiro soon let go and stared at Y/n in awe. He's never seen her breathing before so knowing it was this strong made him admire Y/n even more.

Y/n made Tanjiro sit down as she ran over to where Nezuko was fighting. Nezuko and the demon seem to be passing the ball back and forth, each pass faster than before. Y/n stared at the two until Nezuko kicks the ball making it cut the demon's arm.

The demon then looked at Y/n and got even angrier, she threw all her balls at Y/n who cut through them with ease as she started walking towards the demon, the said demon, then ran to Y/n only to be stopped.

There was a purple Mist coming from the house, Y/n looked from there and saw the green haired demon pointing at her to cover up her nose, Y/n nodded, put one hand on her nose, as she held her katana on the other one.

Y/n ran back to where Tanjiro was "You okay?" She asked to the boy sitting under a tree

"I-I can manage" he says, sitting up straight "If it weren't for you it would've ended up way worse" he chuckled "Your breathing's really cool Y/n-san, moon breathing...I never really seen anyone who has it before" he thinks to himself

'That's because only people who's body can manage the consequences can have it...same goes for sun breathing' she thought to herself

Y/n then helped Tanjiro get up and they walk over to where the demons were, the ball demon had arms coming out of her, ripping her apart. Tanjiro's admiration from earlier soon turned to shock and horror.

"W-what.." He mutters

"She said Muzan's name...its the curse..." Y/n told the boy, the purple Mist cleared as the demon slowly yet painfully died.

❦ ❦ ❦

Y/n stood in the basement along with the Kamado siblings and two demons. Y/n couldn't tell that they were actually demons at first, for she couldn't sense their bloodlust, but just like Nezuko, she soon realized.

"You are quite strong...can you tell us more about yourself?" The woman, who now Y/n knows as Tamayo, asked.

Y/n looked down at her feet then looked back up "I am L/n Y/n, I'm nothing more than a slayer" Y/n said blankly.

"You know that's not what she meant! You're strong! You cut the demon's temari balls like it was just paper" the green one, who Y/n now knows as Yushiro, spoke up.

It was silent for a few minutes "hard work" Y/n just said and looked over at Nezuko, who was staring at her once again.

The demons and Tanjiro let out a disappointing sigh and just decided to let it go, they thought that maybe Y/n wasn't comfortable sharing thing about herself, which to them is good, since they only just met.

Nezuko then ran towards Lady Tamayo and hugged her, as Yushiro tried to talk Nezuko off of her. Y/n blanked out, at stared at the two, she remembers how her and her older brother used to fight over the smallest things.

"You played with the bear yesterday let me have it! " Y/n's older brother groaned in annoyance

"No!" Y/n then hugged the giant teddy bear tighter. And soon her brother was trying to rip her off the teddy bear.

"Would you like Nezuko to stay with us? We can assure you her safety at best..." Tamayo asked, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts.

"Thank you for your offer but I refuse...Nezuko is the only family I have left, we started this journey together, and we'll be ending it together, along with Y/n-san!" Tanjiro smiled and turned his head towards Y/n.

After saying their goodbyes, they headed off to their next mission, and boy was Y/n thankful the crow was quieter than before, because her headache would surely make her slice the crow in half and cook it.

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