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Y/n and Tanjiro walk down the path that the crow had told them to go to. Y/n hadn't eaten anything since Muzan had taken her away while Tanjiro tried to help the man who turned into a demon, though before Y/n left to find Tanjiro she had bought ood for her own.

Y/n tales out a bottle of water s her and her companion walk, after drinking she hands Tanjiro the half emptied water bottle as if to ask if he wanted some.

Tanjiro looked at the water bottle then back at
Y/n, his cheeks tinted pink 'i-if I drink it...does that make it an indirect kiss?!' Tanjiro seemed to be deep in thought, blushing furiously.

'ah..he probably doesn't want one that's already been drunk, I don't blame him...I'd hate knowing the fact that there might be saliva in my drink..' she thought, Y/n shrugged and jut drank the rest of the water.

Seeing the girl's action, Tanjiro turned white, a tear fell from s face, and he looked disappointed. 'I missed my chance...' He thought with a sigh. Suddenly...

"MARRY ME PLEASE!! I'M GONNA DIE IF YOU DON'T!! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE LONELY!!!" A boy with yellow and tips that fade orange hair. He's clinging onto a poor girl.

A bird then flies to Tanjiro and seem to be trying to tell him something, it pointed it's wings to the boy that's crying a river. Y/n looked at him 'he looks familiar....' Y/n thought to herself.

Then Tanjiro walks over to the two and separate them, he scolds the boy and the female slaps the said boy, Y/n looked away because she cold almost feel the slap just from the sound.

The boy then turned to Tanjiro and yelled at him all while Tanjiro looked at him with a face Y/n had never seen him wear, not even when he slayed any demon. Y/n felt a little bad because even Tanjiro, the boy who sees the best in everyone gave him a look of disgust.

Y/n walked over to the now angry crying boy and put a hand on his head to try and calm him down, Y/n was also starting to get irritated by his loud crying and nonstop complaining.

The boy looked at Y/n with wide eyes and a small blush, he stared into Y/n's emotionless e/c eyes, 'its the same girl from the final selection! She looks the same as before..' and then...he felt something light up inside of him. He looked down at Y/n's lips and imagined her smiling at him, telling him how brave he was.

The boy grabbed Y/n's hand, that was petting his head, and held it tighter between his two hands "I am Agatsuma Zenitsu! May I please know your name?" He says as his eyes shine, waiting for her response.

"I'm Kamado Tanjiro and that's L/n Y/n" Tanjiro says grabbing the Zenitsu by his shoulder, he didn't know why, but he felt upset when he saw you pet Zenitsu and how the two of you stared at each other for a while.

"LET THE LADY TALK YOU IMPOLITE CHILD!!! WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOUR MANNERS?!" Zenitsu yelled, Y/n quickly took back her hand and covered her ear, Zenitsu notices and panics "Y/n-chan I'm so sorry!!" He says but with a calmer voice.

"Y/n-san doesn't talk much with people she doesn't know..." Tanjiro says with a small smile as Y/n started walking back to his side.

After Zenitsu calmed down after begging to come with Y/n and Tanjiro, the three started walking once again. Zenitsu's stomach growled and Tanjiro looked for something in his haori. He then took out a rice ball and handed it to Zenitsu.

"You're not eating Tanjiro-kun?" Zenitsu asked

Tanjiro smiled and shook his head "no, since that's all I had"

Zenitsu looked down at the rice ball nd split it in half, he gave Tanjiro the other half and Tanjiro smiled at him, accepting the half and took a bite. Then a plastic bag with chocolates were put in between the two, they looked at who was giving it to them to see Y/n with a small smile.

The two blushed 's-she smiled?!' they both thought, Zenitsu took the chocolates and ate some, he then gave some to Tanjiro, as Y/n walked in between the two.

Zenitsu was happy that he got to see Y/n smile, even if it was a small and short one, he swore the would do anything to make Y/n smile again.

Tanjiro was eating the rest of the chocolates as he kept looking back at Y/n from the corners of his eyes just to see if she would smile once again, he promised himself to protect that smile no matter the cause.

Little do these boys know that it wasn't because of their friendship that made Y/n smile, but the sweets that she ate. Y/n has a sweet tooth, whenever she sees anyone selling sweets she would instantly buy as many as she can.

With that small information anyone who would willingly bake, make or buy sweets for her would instantly sweep her off her feet. It's surprising the girl still has pearly whites.

With Y/n distracted by the chocolate she was eating, she slowed down but managed to catch up, she bumped into the two boys who stopped in their tracks.

Y/n's chocolate had gotten lucky for it had dodged it's timely demise, instead of being chewed by her, it had fallen on the dirt, and thus it will see another day. Unless ants eat it, humans or demons step on it or it'll just disappear with natures powers.

Y/n looked down at the chocolate and had felt a little upset, she let her guard down that she hadn't even noticed the two boys once again arguing, once she finally tore her gaze away from the fallen chocolate, she noticed a bush nearby shaking.

Y/n walked over to it and revealed two children, clearly shaken up. Tanjiro and Zenitsu followed and was also surprised to see these two children.

"Is this your house?" Y/n asked, the two children shook their head no, Y/n concentrated and read the auras around her, worry and fear were the children's auras, worry and yet again determination in Tanjiro's, amazed, love, confusion adoration-

'what the hell?!' Y/n thought and looked from her shoulder to see a blushing and surprised Zenitsu. Y/n deadpanned and concentrated at the house, she stared at the house as Zenitsu listened to Tanjiro whilst staring at Y/n.

"Why are you all here then?" Tanjiro questions the two kids.

Y/n felt five auras from inside the house, three had bloodlust, one had rage, and the other one had fear, 'one human, three demons and...something?' Y/n thought to herself. One of the demons she could remember as it was one of the demons who trained her 'they're still keeping watch...' Y/n sighed, she looked at Tanjiro who managed to calm the children down.

"Y/n's going with me!! She can protect me and our son!" Zenitsu yelled whilst holding a boy who had a confused look on his face.

Tanjiro sighed and the little girl next to him looked at Y/n, the little girl smiled at her and Y/n nods. Suddenly the sound of a wooden door being forced open and a thud following managed to get everyone's attention.

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