Chapter 4: A hero's beginning

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Every day you have visited Sun Wukong with a bag of goodies. Every day he becomes excitable to receive you. Mainly due to the food. After learning about his seventy-two transformations, you grow appreciative of him keeping tabs on you. Although you should be a bit furious about it, it's easier to communicate with the guy as he's already acquainted with your real self. You haven't been able to feel weightless since childhood. You didn't want to ruin the opportunity of having a haven with a mystic monkey. A monkey that can help you understand magic and make anything from patches of his hair. The idea that he can produce food is anything but notorious. He's told you not to think about it, but you can't get the image out of your head. You'd rather not defecate his hair if it changes through the digestion process.

"We've been talking about your journey to the west, but what I still don't understand is why have you been monitoring me. Why not reveal yourself if you wanted a friend in the first place?" You watch him meditate on a boulder as Yang, the albino ape you befriended, and his companions play around you.

"First of all, I didn't show up for you per se." Your heart pangs. You weren't the reason for his visits. If not you then who? "The person I have been targeting is someone close to you." The more he reveals the more your heart squeezes. You should have guessed. You have never been anyone's eye candy. A background character in the darkest corner is where you reside in most stories.

'It's Lin he's been after? She's a married woman. Is he trying to be a homewrecker? Maybe it's Mei? That would make more sense. She's spontaneous, slim, and beautiful. Who wouldn't want to be with her?' You furrow your brows perplexed. 'Hold on! She rarely shows up at the café. Is it a regular customer I don't know about?'

 "He's an eccentric kid that's always on the move." Sun proceeds. The pronoun hint leaves you second-guessing. You hadn't considered the ape to be on the other team or both for that matter. You feel like a total moron thinking only about yourself. Meanwhile, Sun watches in amusement as you pensively make faces every three seconds. It wasn't long before you grasp the person matching the description.

"Mk?" Sun Wukong nods in affirmation. A slight surge of jealousy rises. "Really? Why?"

"He's going to be my successor." Your lips shape into an 'o' realizing it has nothing to do with love. You start to wish you could disappear to hide from your stupidity. "His powers are starting to show, and any moment he will be the one to lift my staff." You perk with interest that MK has powers that could align with yours. More so, the staff is an ancient relic that held down a demon. You remember Lin disclosing that information. The simian's eyes glow coloring his vision gold. What fascinates him is your radiant aura around you swirling with colors. It's not the first time he's scanned you and certainly not the last.

"MK is to be your successor?" The thought makes you question the hero. Whatever could lead him to choose the boy that could cause destruction rather than bring salvation is beyond comprehension. "I mean no offense. He's a good kid, but he's always bouncing off the walls."

"Trust me, he's the one. I was no different than he was when I started." He confessed. You can't imagine an out-of-control Monkey King. Since day one, he's been a cunning, chill dude.

Then it hits you, "that explains why you didn't answer my question when we first met. You didn't reveal yourself because your goal is to observe MK." Your deduction skills impress the primate. He may have provided you with pieces of the puzzle, but he didn't have to explain much for you to get it.

"Exactly! You're quite sharp for an oblivious girl." His praise makes you bashful as you have been known to be observant in the past. Despite what you've been told, one thing remains that is your involvement. You'd hate to think you ruined the Monkey King's plans all because you couldn't keep your eyes on the road.

Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now