Chapter 29: Confession

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You stood in the hallway, staring blankly at the wooden door. What lies behind it is your room. Whether or not it's a replica remains a mystery until you walk right through it. As dumb as it might be on the outside, you are going through an internal conflict. Your bedroom is more than just a place to rest, it was where you spent most of your days confined to your own thoughts. A sanctioned prison cell even though the house was empty for you to do as you please, it's the one place where it felt your own. The rest of the area was an ugly reminder of a reality where your mother no longer exists. Now that you have an idea of who she truly is, it's warped everything you've ever upheld. Her words of encouragement to her principle of being a good person.

Your fingers curl around the handle, gradually prying the door. Even on the moonlit night, it's astounding to see your chamber just as you left it. You cautiously enter remembering where to switch on the fairy lights. The dim lighting illuminates the space into a magical wonderland. Your shelf is filled with books from your childhood in neat condition. The bedtime stories mother used to read to the edgy teen literature that helped you envision a world outside of your bubble. "Everything is here." You mumbled. You're slightly content your father rebuilt the house.

"Quite the fantasy room." Sun pipped up, admiring your teenage décor. You briefly forgot about his presence. As you stand in the middle, you realize how embarrassing to catch a glimpse of your teen years. "I would have expected grungy art or something." He scales the area picking up random items as he tours.

"Not everyone has to wear black to express themselves." You defended. "I really enjoyed the idea of being Isekaied rather than being stuck in a bland world." You swipe the book from your lover and put it back on the shelf. "At least you can make friends along the journey."

"The only disagreement is friends are usually made because of a common goal to take down an enemy," Sun stated from experience. "Otherwise it can be a blast. You've gone through it yourself."

You perk up at the fact that you indeed had an adventure of your own. "You're right. I feel for the main characters now." You chuckled.

Sun firms your mattress before throwing himself on the bed. He reaches for one of the many stuffed animals on your pillows. "Cute toys. I never would have imagined you'd be into plushies."

You sit on the edge of the bed, embarrassed. "They're dear to me, the last thing my mom gave me before she passed away."

He sits up with interest. "What happened to her?"

You stare at the floorboards as your mind tails to the faint memory. "She died of an illness when I was a kid. One day she was fine, the next she collapsed. Every day she grew weaker when I would visit to the point where it was unbearable to find her with tubes." You shut your eyes trying to keep the tears at bay, but your voice betrayed you as you reminisce, "I couldn't tell her goodbye and admit it's over. I couldn't even grant her wish to just say it."

Sun quickly pulls you close and rubs your back for comfort. "You were a child. You were going through a tough time, sweetheart."

You clutch onto his shirt, bawling your eyes out. "It's my fault. I did this. My father won't even look at me because I couldn't be brave. I failed him." You revealed. The harsh reason why your father was rarely around, and left you alone while he focused on work was that he couldn't even look you in the eye for what you did. "I'm horrible," Sun growls low, ticked that your father would treat you terribly for something you couldn't help. "You're not horrible, (Y/N)."

As you pull your head and hang your head, you mutter, "yes I am."

"No, you're not."

"Yes I am, because on top of my past I've realized I not only love you but someone else." You confessed and raise your head with remorse. "I love Macaque." Petrified, his eyes widen to the newfound news. "Sun I'm so sorry. I don't know how this happened. I tried not to catch feelings, denied it's existence, but every time I'm apart, I miss him and when I see him I'm at ease." You know this is the wrong way to go about it, but everything you've held in is pouring out. You can't handle the weight anymore.

The simian pulls away completely and utterly dumbfounded. You worriedly call out to him to no response. It takes him a moment to process. "I should have seen this coming." He started, his tone is cold and low. "The signs were all there. The way he talks to you and the way you look at him. It's the same way you look at me." You can hear how hurt he is as he seethes with rage, restraining himself from being reckless. "Why? Is it because I'm not like him? Am I not enough?"

"You are enough." You cried.

"Then why, (Y/N)?" He snarled.

"I don't know. That's why I'm trying to tell you." You proclaimed. "I-I don't comprehend how it could have happened. I always pushed him away even after we kissed."

"Kissed?" More secrets spill the more he prods you. "You went behind my back and kissed him?"

"No! He kissed me before we were ever in a relationship."

No matter the truth, it doesn't change the burning fury within. He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I want to believe you, but I can't." He slides the window open.

"Wait, where are you going? Please don't leave." You pleaded.

He crawls through the window with his back turned. "I can't be around you right now." Your heart starts to shatter knowing what's to come. "We need to spend some time apart." He takes off without bothering to hear your protests, leaving you alone with your own thoughts just as you were in high school.

Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now