Chapter 9: Part of the team

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He stumbled through the alley of the city exacerbated by being thwarted from his triumph. His aspirations were clutched with a life-threatening grip and in the blink of an eye slipped through his fingers. Now he gathers in a pile of self-pity, sheltered by the memories of where he felt a piece of serenity. The prospect of renouncing a thousand-year-old grudge for a future is granted by a gift filled with compassion. He pulls out a wrinkled bag from his pockets. A souvenir from a dear acquaintance. Regret plagues his mind, and constricts his heart of his poor decisions. Had he postponed his agenda, the outcome would be different. Now he must disentangle from the hole he dug. There was no better way to brood than a nightly stroll.

Throughout his excursion, a pulse of energy halts him. He scours his surroundings with his guard up for the unknown. Another afflicts his senses, recognizing the signature. He frantically races against time as he answers the call. He tracks down the source at a café. In the back of the building, an open window beckons him in. Once he sets foot into the apartment, he kneels and cradles you in his arms. Upon contact, your high temperature is what he notes first, as well as the side effects that come with it. What intrigued him is the glowing, cracked marks on your skin that were not there before. You weakly open your eyes to reveal your colorful sets. A new addition as well since he last met you. You Shakingly raise your hand, to lightly brush your finger onto his cheek as you try to form words. Your electric touch briefly ignites a foreign phenomenon in him. He stables your hand, keeping it close to his heart. "Please... don't tell anyone." You pleaded before fainting.

He calls out to you in hopes of resuscitating you, to no avail. Various options travel through his mind. He could leave you to someone else, or nurse you back to health. It's habitual for him to ignore responsibilities, however, he couldn't bear to abandon you in such a state. Reluctantly, the latter was the most logical. He laid you on the couch, finds a rag to dampen to place on your forehead, and situated himself on the table.

There he remains for three whole days meditating, monitoring your condition, and providing sustenance. Where you may ask? He would steal bowls of ramen from Pigsy's kitchen using his portal. Cooking isn't exactly his forte when he has minimal choices. The blanket sags as you turn on your side, exposing the bruise marks fostered by his chokehold. Suffice it to say, he wasn't in the right mindset when it got out of hand. He even feels ashamed for using you and MK as bait.

His train of thought comes to a close as you stir awake from your slumber, and the first person you see is Macaque. The gears in your head take a moment to wind up before speedily sitting upright, and grabbing the nearest object as protection. A remote. "Wh-what are you doing in my apartment?" You stuttered.

"Easy, I'm not gonna hurt ya." He cooed. He puts his hands up in surrender as proof.

"That's a load of bologna. You tried to kill me last night." You proclaimed.

"Yeah," he rubs the back of his head abjectly. "That was three days ago." He corrected.

"No, it wasn't! It was..." You pause as you scramble to recollect the instances of your arrival home. It's a blur with fractures of your memories revealing themselves. "-three days ago...?" You mumbled. "I've been unconscious for that long?" You gape as you attempt to comprehend that fact.

"Yeah, you had a fever when I found you." He mentioned. " It's a good thing I showed up to take care of you, eh?" You furiously clutch the blanket as he proudly boasts about his deeds. His insolence knowing no bounds on how to read between the lines.

"So what? You want brownie points?" Your voice is dangerously low as you proceed, "after what you put me through?"

Your tone subdues Macaque into being wary. "Look, I'm sorry about that. It was nothing personal. I was just trying to get back at Monkey King." He justified.

Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now