Chapter 6: The master and his students

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You loiter on the steps of the Monkey King's "shame temple", complaining about your account balance. "I spent ¥20,000 for noodles. That's three months' worth of rent."

"Yep, but at least you got a heck of a mentor." It's remarkable how shameless Sun Wukong is in taking advantage of you.

"I'm regretting my decision." You grimaced.

He wraps an arm around your shoulders, "awe, don't be that way. It's gonna be great." You stiffen like a deer caught in the headlights being in close contact. Your heart is in a frenzy knowing that if you raise your head, your faces would be inches apart. Oddly enough, you catch a whiff of his scent. Peaches. You surmise the forbidden peaches of immortality are effect.

'I can't breathe nor move. I feel like my soul just left my body.'

You internally squeal as the blood rushes to your skull. You feel lightheaded the moment he pulls away to open the gates. Luckily, you're seated safely from collapse. The wooden doors are broken down slamming against Sun Wukong's frame. You're still not used to being surrounded by a sage that cannot be harmed. "Monkey King?" The delivery man is none other than MK.

"Hey!" Sun greeted.

"Were you testing me on my ability to focus?" MK gasped.

"What? N-" You're cut off by your mentor.

"Uh, yeah! I was totally testing you and not because I actually ordered three hundred servings of noodles." You gape that he took credit for something that wasn't true. MK begins to monologue his day in regards to his lesson. "Ok, I'm just gonna take these off your hands while ya tell me." MK continues to pour his heart out on his endeavors. "That's great bud. I'm proud of you."

'That sounded condescending.'

"But there's one problem. This isn't my order." You pinch the bridge of your nose in absolute disappointment in both boys. One because of Sun Wukong's priority with the ramen, and second because MK just sent your money down the drain. However, all was not lost as MK returns with the correct delivery. "Thanks, kid." You couldn't agree more. Thanks indeed. "Now that you're here, we shall share a meal. Come." His demand has you exchange perplexed glances with MK before abiding the master.

"What are we doing here?" MK started.

"To celebrate on a special spot." The hero presents a gorgeous outlook of the city painted in various lights. It's as though the city is having a party. From afar there is a glimpse of the streets lit up at every corner.

"Wow." You whispered.

"No kidding." MK concurred. He's just as enthralled as you are.

"Yep, I used to sit out here for hours marveling at the bustling life," Sun said proudly as though it was he who granted the city to evolve peacefully. You couldn't help but find it solemn. He may have kept himself hidden, but he watched over the people for who knows how long? The showmanship of a true guardian to the end. You instinctively scratch his furry cheek as a reward. He purrs, melting in your touch. MK dotes on the fact that the Monkey King enjoys affection. He reaches for the other cheek only for the simian to grasp his wrists and yours. "Knock it off, I'm not a wild animal." He huffed. The brunette was about to protest, but you thwart his advances.

"Let him take this one for today. He's gone to great lengths to show us this place." MK reluctantly agrees to the truce.

Three hundred servings and so far the Monkey King consumed twenty platters while you and MK are on the first. "He sure knows how to put it away." You commented. Sun stacks his empty bowl and retrieves another.

"I see it as a talent. I can't tell if he's a bottomless pit or he just has a magical stomach?" MK mused. When he couldn't conclude, his attention is drawn to you. "Hey, what's up with you and Monkey King? You guys seem close."

Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now