Chapter 24: A New Beginning

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'Knock, knock.'

You open the front door of your complex to find a worried Macaque. "I came as fast as I heard." He puffed as though he uncharacteristically raced to the café. "What did you want to talk about?"

You choke back the tears and move aside for him to enter dropping a bombshell. "Sun and I broke up." Your voice was barely above a whisper.

Macaque raises his brows, dumbstruck by the news after jumping hoops for the monkey. He rubs the back of his head uncertain of what to except apologize. "What was the reason, if you don't mind me asking?"

"We thought we could work it out after Lady Bone Demon." You started. "It turns out we were incompatible. Our promises kept breaking until we couldn't tolerate each other anymore. We couldn't fix what was broken so I called it off." Tears stream down your cheeks. It tugs at the simian's heartstrings to see you distraught. "A week later, MK said he left Flower Fruit mountain to who knows where."

"Wukong's missing?" Macaque parroted.

You wipe the tears away and cup his face, diverting the topic. "I found out why I was miserable. It's because I fell in love with you. All this time it's been you, Macaque."

The aforementioned ape's heart skips a beat to hear your reciprocation, yet your eyes are dull. "Doll, I'm flattered but I-" He pulls away and steps back but each time you would move forward until he's caged between you and the wall. You lean in to rub your cheek against his. He shivers upon the cold touch. "Doll, what are you doing?"

"Nuzzling you. Isn't that what you want, cutie pie?" You giggled.

"What did you just say?" You stiffen at the sound of his menacing tone. "Cutie pie isn't in (Y/n)'s vocabulary, nor would she be so calm about Wukong's disappearance." He stated.

"What are you insinuating, mate? That I'm not (Y/N)?"

"That's precisely my deduction." Macaque places you in a chokehold, unconvinced. "Ya see, when it comes to deception, I'm a master of the art." He boasted, squeezing your throat tighter. "I can see right through your little tricks."

Your expression contorts to annoyance. "Crud, guess the jig is up." Your voice suddenly carries an Australian accent, intriguing Macaque. The room glitches into darkness safe for the furniture. The imposter dusts themselves off as they now stand across from their enemy. "I knew we should have tossed you in the desert." Macaque takes in his surroundings as the imposter continues, "This was a waste of time." You turn to your right as if someone else was standing next to you. "Well, I thought you were Monkey King or his twin brother."

"Brother?" Macaque clicks his tongue, "hardly. Not anymore at least."

"See? Waste of time. Now, we gotta start all over." You begin to argue with yourself making it unsettling for Macaque watch.

"Ok, as amusing as this is, I'm gonna go."

"Ha! You can't leave. You're stuck here forever." You laughed.

"Wanna bet?" He smirked, expanding his shadow size tall enough to physically break through his imprisonment and manifest in what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. His kidnappers stood speechless, gawking at his figure. "So, it's you two dweebs. Care to tell me why you trapped me in your toy." Macaque kicks the gourd at the twin demons, Yin and Jin.

"Gah! Not again!" Jin groaned ruffling his hair in frustration. "The calabash is officially useless, Yin."

"Why are you telling me like I'm to blame?"

The golden demon pokes his brother's chest, provokingly. "Cause it is your fault. I told you we shouldn't use the thing after the last time."

"What? You're the one who insisted it would be easier than all the other schemes." Yin retorted.

Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque)Where stories live. Discover now