Chapter 11: To the rescue

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"Um, we are certain that humans can travel to the celestial world, yes?" Tang queried. Red Son had engraved a magical glyph aboard the ship as a means of interdimensional transport.

"Of course, they can," Red assured. He begins to concentrate all of his energy on activating a portal while the team took cover.

"Safely?" Pigsy inquired once more.

"Probably." Red shrugged. The team protest in a heap of panic, too late to turn back.

The warp between worlds was similar to hyper jumping through space. Much like the movies, it leaves you nauseous and distorted afterward. The team groans as they attempt to regain their composure. Red Son is the only one unfazed by the travel.

"I did say it'd melt your brains." He points to the ember on Sandy's mohawk. It wasn't as bad as Red made it out to be. Maybe an inside joke of sorts? Regardless, it's relieving to count everyone in one piece.

As you dust yourself off, you behold the Celestial realm in all it's glory structured amongst the clouds. Chinese architecture is painted in white and gold. Your eyes light up, engrossed with the place.

'This is the celestial realm? It looks enchanting.'

Your shoulders drop as the atmosphere soothes all your cares away. As the others marvel, Red Son glances specifically at you through the corner of his eye in wide wonder.

"So some special pills, a fancy peach, and a furnace. Where are we gonna find these things?" Pigsy started. All eyes fall on the redhead. He hasn't a clue of the item's whereabouts. Mei immediately jumps at the opportunity to taunt him. It was quite adorable how the two acted like children pretending to hate one another.

"I know they're somewhere. I'm a demon, it's not like I've been here before." He argued. Tang sighs as though burdened to be the knowledgeable one of the group.

"Well, in the legend, Monkey King stole-"

"Stole? That's not the Monkey King I know." Sandy interjected. "Borrowed," Tang corrected. "Peaches of immortality from the heavenly orchard. So unless he did the sensible thing and moved them, they'll still be there. The pills of the great master Lautsu, Monkey King stole-err "borrowed" some of those too. They must be in Lautsu's alchemy lab."

"And what about the furnace? I can't make anything without that." Red Son whined. Tang coincidentally pulls out his diary containing a map and points to the center.

"It could be there in the lab, but my guess is it would be in the Jade Emperor's throne room."

"Alright then, I'll be off to grab that peach. Tootles!" Red said before leaping off the ship.

Mei, however, inhibits the demon. "Wait! Like we'd let you wander off on your own. I'm keeping you where I can see you." She growled. The pair begin to squabble as the others proceed.

"I'll look for the pills. Eh, they're just regular looki'n pills right? Round, kind of shaped like pills? Ya know like normal pills?" Pigsy questioned.

"I better come too." Tang sighed. Everyone started to pair off for a task leaving you with the least person you wanted to partner with.

"I'll get the furnace," MK said.

"On your own? I don't know if that's a good idea." Pigsy croaked.

"The throne room is too well guarded," Tang commented. Sandy intervenes before you could say or do anything.

"You guys get the items and get here as fast as you can. (Y/n) and I will stay here and knock some sense into the engines." The giant spoke for you without consent. As bewildering as it was, you are partly content to be on standby if it meant being away from MK.

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