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Nobody's POV:

Right now the start of a motorcycle's speedometer went into overdrive but Suddenly, the setting changes to that of a motel front where we see Panty was having multiple rounds of sex with a random biker but Shortly after, she complains about his stamina

Panty:Come on. Are you fucking kidding me? Faster does not mean better, you asshole.

Immoral Hotel Guest: Dude, you're one hardcore angel. You get my motor running.

Panty: How is this fair? Look how many times you've cum. I've only squirted once and it wasn't that far.

Immoral Hotel Guest: You know what, babe? You're more like a devil than an angel.

Panty: Real fucking profound. You're too old to wear leather pants, by the way. Seriously, you look like Mick Jagger's grandpa. Oh. What's going on here?

Turning the TV on. On the news, there is an empty sports car driving out of control.

Announcer: This is an incredible turn of events! If you're just joining us, an unmanned sports car has somehow run a riot! The police are currently redirecting traffic!

Panty: Hahaha! That thing might even be faster than you

Immoral Hotel Guest: No way! Nothing can outrace my ride! Wait, what?

Panty notices Stocking is following the vehicle and it is actually a ghost's doing.

Just then Panty got a call

Panty:this is Panty

The person who called her was Garterbelt

[Garterbelt:Where you at?!]

Panty:Um I am, uh....visiting the elderly at a nursing home

[Garterbelt:dont bullshit me! You're at that Immoral hotel!]

Panty:shit,oh hold on I got another call

[Stocking:Panty!, are you watching TV?!]

Panty:Nope, so what's up?

[Stocking:You're diddling another douchebag! Get your skank-ass out here and help me!]

Panty:I don't know you probably have it all under control

[???:Ms.Panty can you please bring your ass to the battlefield so that we can fucking get this over with?!]

This got Panty surprised when she heard a young males voice on the other end of the call bit she just sighed

Panty:Fine I'll go, jesus it's not like this guy is rocking my world or anything!

Then she hanged up the phone but she still wondered who was that voice at the other end of the call

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt...and a cinnamon rollWhere stories live. Discover now