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Now in one of the school's hallways, a group of nerds open up theirlockers that are filled with Barby merch.

Nerd 1: "Man those Panty and Stocking babes. Totally deleted Barby from everyone's playlist." He says.

Nerd 2: "Consider her beta test expired." He says.

Nerd 3: "Yeah right, I don't know what any of that means, but I'm readyfor a new mental image for my fleshlight. Bye-bye Barby." He says taking out a Barby figure and tossing it into a box full of Barby merchandise.

Nerd 4: "My brother Nerds the time has come to assimilate. We must wipe our hard drives clean of that nasty Virus. And hail our new splendiferous royalty!" He says opening his locker that is filled with Plushies, pictures, toys, and other Panty and Stocking Merch.

Barby: "I know I didn't hear what I just think, I just thought I heard! Try that again suckers!" Barby says from behind them as they turn around horrified.

The boy's screams fill the halls. Now inside of Sex ed, the teacher was telling his class about how bad sex is.

Teacher: "Listen up, maggots! Your still practically embryos and that means if you have sex you'll die, I mean it and death is permanent." He yells furiously.

Meanwhile, in the back of the class are Izuku, Panty, and Stocking.Completely ignoring what the teacher was saying. Panty was sitting onher desk crossed leg while looking at a figure of herself, Stocking was sitting at her desk reading a sweets magazine while her desk had abunch of candy and pastries on it, Izuku was busy dealing the many love letter that piledup on his desk by both girls and boys which made him try not to burn all of them in class.

"Hey check this out, Stocking. Could you just die? It even moves when you stick a finger in her" She says admiring the figure.

"Third base Panty collect all four. You're just in this for the uniform" Stocking says with a red licorice in her mouth while placing one in Izuku's mouth.

"And your point?" Panty questions with a glare when she saw the action.

With Izuku who was finishing up the red licorice that Stocking gave him he looked around while he heard the class say something in unison.

"That's what I like to hear! Alright, you can use one of these while having sex, but you're still going to die! Take one and pass it back." The teacher orders.

With Izuku who grabs what the teacher was talking about and seeing that it was a pink condom that it made him stare at it with a blank look.

"Oh hey is that gum" Panty said while grabbing the condom from out of Izuku's hand with Izuku trying to tell it wasn't gum but he was too late with Panty chewing the condom for a second before blowing a bubble that comes out like a Dick.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!?" Someone yelled out which caused the duck bubble that Panty blowed popped all over her face.

"Hey what the fuck Sphincter!?" Panty exclaims with irritation on her face as she removed the condom from her face.

"Oh hey Geek boy didn't see you there" Stocking says looking up from her magazine.

Izuku was the only one who didn't show irritation towards the boy known as Brief and wanted to know what got the boy to be in this state, "what's up Brief?"

Izuku asked towards Brief who said they have to do something because of the students who were disappearing while flailing his arms around and holding up his phone that has a picture of a locker filled with destroyed Panty and Stocking merchandise covered in blood.

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt...and a cinnamon rollWhere stories live. Discover now