(22) The Casket Girls | Part 1

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You'd think after these last few months I'd be used to sleepless nights, but I've never claimed to be a genius.

Not saying I didn't try to sleep, it was a tad difficult whilst hearing my sunshine's screams.

I tried getting Davina to sleep, but she was also having trouble after learning of Marcel's betrayal.

I tried to warn him, granted I could've done a stronger job.

This poor girl was sick and tired of being used by everyone.

Leading her to spend the entire night undoing countless acts of compulsion my brother inflicted on the woman I had feelings for. While he continually took advantage of Hayley's existence and threatened to wipe out her family.

Lastly there's my sister Rebekah who has been constantly overlooked and used by Marcel.

I love that boy, but he takes after Klaus too much that sometimes it scares even me.

So in recent weeks all the women I know in this town have been routinely fucked with by the men.

Why am I bringing this up? Today's Casket Girls Day! Or as I like to call it, a boost to my sister's ego.

I shouldn't be surprised New Orleans took such a small legend and turned it into an excuse to party.

I'm not trying to downplay what actually happened, I was there.

"Are you going to tell me why we're out here?" The blazing heat was almost too much for me to bear, but my dear sister insisted we trolly along in the middle of the night without informing me why.

Rebekah sighs. "You never go along with any of my plans!"

"Don't whine. I'm only being curious." I deadpan.

My sister pouts in reply. "I heard that some high society ladies were being imported here from France and I wanted to ensure their safety." Why is my sister acting as if this is something exciting? I'm shocked French women are coming to a French colony!

Though her suggestion isn't too insane for her, and the men here can be quite abhorrent, especially at night. "Did we need to get dressed for this?"

"Absolutely, Talia! There was no way I would allow you to leave our home in a nightgown!" As if I would wear a gown... I suppose it beats a corset.

"I really hate this fashion. Seriously, let Niklaus dagger me until the next fad." We both giggle at the joke. I wasn't lying though, I cannot wait for humans to be done with these horrible things. Tight and always chaffing my body, trying to change my figure even though it's too late for that.

Walking through a field we finally spot the road sporting a lovely carriage, and on the other side of the road a group of highly intoxicated men.

"Bloody hell, Tia. They look worse than you do on a bender."

"Very funny, Beks." I give no emotion. "So it appears you were right, what's the plan?"

My sister smirks. "Well, as two incredibly powerful Original vampires, it is our duty to defend and protect our fellow women against those that seek to harm."

"So we kill them?"


I love how brutal my sister gets concerning men like the drunk filth about to attack that carriage. A thousand years have gone by, yet it seems very little has changed with how women are treated, especially in Europe and their colonies. My sister took it upon herself to rip through as many as she could get her hands on, and when I'm not ensuring her and Kol's protection, I volunteer to join her.

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