(47) Alive and Kicking | Part 2

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After a long and stressful day of dealing with New Orleans witches I was ready to sleep.

At least with Elijah wooing that one Celeste tensions have gotten easier. But they're still a pain.

What I wasn't expecting was to see Kol sitting on my bed with his arms crossed. "We need to talk."

I roll my eyes. "I'm not in the mood."

He looks taken aback. "Are you still cross with me over my comments towards Nik's new pet?"

I snap. "Stop calling him cruel words like that! He is a part of our family now, and your petty jealousy over a small child makes you look pathetic, Kol."

His eyes go dark. "Is it pathetic to have your family show more care to a-to a stranger than they do the brother that's been with them for eight hundred years? To cast me aside for some street rat saved only because Nik wanted to play the hero? Oh, he swooped in and rescued a poor Black child from the cruelties of slavery, and we are all supposed to applaud his heroism like he's ever given a fuck about the practice in all the centuries we've been on this Earth. Please! I'm the only one in this family who's spent any time in Africa, helping their people grow their magical ability. Where's my bloody medal?"

I grimace. "I can't say I feel particularly clean about only saving him, or Nik playing the hero and saving him at all. But that doesn't change the fact that he's here now. And yes, that means he needs more attention and care right now. And we will give it without question because he is family now. As for Nik and Elijah, their treatment of you has existed long before Marcellus, but now you will blame him because it's easier than accepting that they are simply cruel to you. A fact you could do with bringing up. Marcellus is not the problem here, Kol."

He opens his mouth about to say something when there's a knock on my door. I listen to find the heartbeat to be human and faster than any adult. Marcellus. "Come in!" The door swings open and I see the boy shaking. "What's wrong, little warrior?"

He looked down nervously. "I had a bad dream. That this was all a dream, and I woke up back with him."

I immediately rush over to him. "Oh, baby! Would you like to stay with me tonight?" He is hesitant, but nods. I turn to Kol. "We're not done. We will continue this later."

Kol's mouth is agape. "Are you fucking kidding me? So now you're choosing him over me as well?"

My eyes widen at his audacity. "Yes, Kol, I am choosing to prioritize the child over your grown arse! Honestly, you need to practice some fucking empathy and stop this nonsense before you do something you'll regret later."

His nostrils flare. "You know what? Fine! Play house with the little urchin. Make him feel more welcome than I ever have! Pretend for a whelp that will never be one of us. You might call this one family, but he'll never be a Mikaelson." And he storms out of the room.

I shake my head at his immaturity before lowering myself to Marcellus. "Don't believe a word he says. He's choosing to take his anger out on an easy target."

Marcellus looks confused. "You mean he's making me feel weak to make himself strong?"

I nod. "Yeah. He's not usually like this, but when Niklaus and Elijah are involved, he loses common sense."

He ponders for a second. "He doesn't think I'm worthy of you. Do you think that?"

I immediately shake my head. "Of course not! You don't need to be! You are already perfect exactly as you are! You are our family's perfect newest member and that will never change." I move to place a hand on his shoulder and this time he doesn't flinch away. "You are one of us now, and we protect our own. Always and Forever."

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