(56) The Brothers That Care Forgot | Part 2

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There was a pause. A very long pause. Klaus was just looking at me with the most narrow eyes possible. "Have you lost your mind?"

I shake my head. "On the contrary, brother, I think I'm being the most sane in a while."

He growls. "Talia! That is a terrible idea!"

"Why?" I asked.

Klaus looked like he was about to have a stroke. "Why? Fucking why? Tell the man working for our mother that my daughter is still alive? You're asking me why that's a terrible idea?"

I roll my eyes. "Kol would never put her in danger."

He scoffs. "How can we be sure? How do we know he won't use this to hurt me? It's not so far out of his bag of tricks."

I sigh. "If we were talking about anyone or anything else, yes. It would be cause for concern. But this is family. A baby. Our niece. And once he finds out she's still alive, I know he will do everything in his power to protect her."

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "Is that the ulterior motive for telling him? A common cause? I don't know that Kol wouldn't use my daughter-"

I grit my teeth. "I know. Because I know him. While you spent a thousand years thinking about yourself, Rebekah, and Elijah. I took the time to see him for the brilliant man he was. And I watched as your cruel neglect pushed him further to chaos and madness. But his greatest weakness has always been his love for us. It's diminished for you and Elijah due to years of betrayal, but he would do anything for us. I know that he will stand by us, stand by Hope, if he knew. But that's not the only reason. I talked to him and he's willing to help us, but he needs reassurance that you will trust him in return. All he wants is your faith, some proof. This is the perfect example. This is only a risk if you distrust Kol. You wanted him on our side."

He argues. "Talia, I just got done killing my own father because I couldn't take the risk that Hope could be in danger."

I shake my head. "Ansel was your father, but he was also a stranger. Kol is our brother who we have ran with for a thousand years. How could you compare the two? You don't trust him because you refuse to. But I am telling you there is no risk here. There is not a single bit of a chance that he would ever tell Esther. If you can't trust him, trust me."

Klaus gulped. "I want to......" He strained. "Sister, you do not understand what you ask of me."

I take a step closer. "I do, Niklaus. And I'm asking you anyways. Isn't that enough proof? Do this for Kol. Do this for me."

He doesn't look at me for a long time. I knew this was hard for him. But I knew he could do this. Because choosing against Ansel was difficult, but trusting someone who deserves it was even harder for him to do. "I'll think about it. Do you want to go back in there?"

I shake my head. "It's time to talk to Finn."


Klaus had to move him from the bannister back into a room. Finn glowering at him the entire way before Klaus gave me a nod and left. I turned to my eldest brother. "It's been a while since we've talked one on one. Do you remember the last time?" He doesn't answer. "In Mystic Falls. Mother had enlisted you to kill yourself in order to kill us all. Klaus dragged you out of hiding in New York with the promise of torture. I held him back. He listened to me because when it comes to persuasion, I know what works. I should know, I persuaded Sage to stop gunning for our family's demise. End the fighting so both of you could have the fairy tale ending you deserved." His glare hardens at the name. "I never really liked her too much. I found her stale and petty. But the way she made you feel happy, important. That's all I've ever wanted for you, Finn. I know she's gone, I know it's been a thousand years, but do you remember how she treated you? She loved you, but she never asked you to do anything you didn't want. She didn't leverage your time together to force you into her web. She put you first. Do you know what that is, Finn? That's unconditional love. The purest kind. Sage loved you like a person should. No strings attached. And you cannot tell me you see that love in your relationship with mother."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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