Chapter 2: Tea Parties and Rat Chasing

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Author's Note: My mornings are always so much more tolerable when I receive emails from my readers and knowing that you guys are actually following my story and adding my story to your favorites. I am more motivated knowing that. I still don't own Game of Thrones unless my name is George R. R. Martin. So without further ado, here's the second chapter. Enjoy!

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Two: Tea Parties and Rat Chasing

Tommen's Point of View

After having that nightmare about Joffrey again last night, I couldn't get proper sleep. Even if my eyes were closed my mind was bursting with gory scenes from his wedding. All the blood, noise, and adrenaline kept me half-awake. I hate those kinds of sleep, the one in which your body wants to remain lying down the bed with your eyes closed but at the same time your head is aware of your surrounding and you are fully conscious that you are not asleep at all. It's frustrating to not have full control of yourself but the worst part is "waking up" the next morning feeling as tired as ever and knowing that the cycle of half-sleep/exhausting wake will continue.

When the early rays of sun peeked across the horizon and slipped through my windows, I decided to give sleep up entirely and put on a robe. Ser Pounce was still sleeping when I left my chambers to go outside the gardens. I wished it was that easy, though, to slip out of your own bedroom and go anywhere you want. But as long as my name is Tommen Baratheon, as long as the title 'King' is on my name, taking an early stroll would be much more complicated.

I made the slightest sounds when pacing out of my room but much to my dismay, one of the Kingsguard sat half-awake near the door. He quickly got up to his feet the moment he saw me looking down at him.

"Your Grace, isn't it too early for you to be awake?" He said. His voice was husky, probably from my disturbance of his half-sleep. I looked up at him. He was very tall and he towered over me. I'm going to be eighteen soon but I find that I am quite short for my age. Unlike Joffrey, who stood tall and proud, I was a few inches shorter and definitely not too proud. "Where are you going, if I may ask?" he added.

"Just the gardens. You can resume your sleep. Perhaps you can sleep in my chambers, I'm pretty sure you are tired," I told him. He must have been standing on his post all night and being a member of the Kingsguard is quite a strenuous and sleepless task. Judging from the dark circles from his eyes, it must have been days since he got a proper sleep.

"But, your Grace, I shall accompany you. It might not be safe," he countered. Oh no. I can't have someone pestering me while I walk to the gardens. I have to be alone with my thoughts. I have to take a breather, just me and no one else. Besides, why would it be unsafe? I am in my own city, my own castle. I'm not stupid enough to leave my chambers if I knew I was going to be unsafe.

He started brushing out the dust in his armor and boots. Think, Tommen. You can't let him accompany you. I am the King, aren't I? If I had to have something done or not, I could just open my mouth and say the words. Before he could take a step forward and completely ruin my morning, I held up one hand and took a step back.

"Tell me, Ser," I said with more confidence in my voice than I expected. "Who is your King?" He stood there with wide eyes, clearly dumbfounded by my question. I tipped my head slightly to the side, waiting for his answer.

"You are, your Grace!" His words rushed out of his mouth. I heard a hint of nervousness on his voice. I had to keep looking and sounding confident if I want to pull this one off.

"And tell me, who's words are law here because the last time I checked it is the King's, am I wrong?" I didn't mean to threaten anyone but I have to. I know scaring him off is cruel but I have to do something if I wanted to be alone. Besides, that's like a first step to my duties as King, right? Choosing the options that I prefer no matter the consequences are going to be.

Long Live the Boy-Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें