Chapter 16: For Her

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! This is the sixteenth chapter now. Yay me. Let me just say that the last GoT episode kinda disappointed me a bit just because Tommen's character is written weakly, the Sand snakes are kind of corny, and Sansa's scene is just horrible. I haven't read the book yet but I read a lot of reactions from Tumblr stating that D&D are diverting from the original plot of the books. I don't know, what do you guys think? Anyway, let us forget the canon world of GoT and enjoy this chapter. Haha. I still do not own Game of Thrones

Long Live the Boy-King


Chapter Sixteen: For Her

                "Did you apologize to him, yet?" Mother asked as we walked down to the dining hall. I took careful footsteps, trying hard not to trip on these slippers she lent me. Mother waited patiently for my answer but I chose to ignore her. His words earlier invaded my mind and made me all confused. I shouldn't feel this way about him. I never felt this way for anyone. Mother tugged me on the arm, halting me from my strides. I turned to her and met with her dark austere eyes. Her expression was something in the middle of disappointment and confusion. "Corabella, didn't I specifically—"


                "I apologized," I cut her midsentence. My tone was a bit ruder than I let on but Mother didn't seem to notice. Her features softened as she was taken aback from my statement. I let go of her grasp and took a step backward, lowering my eyes before speaking. "I met him in the fields. I already apologized," I told her. I didn't wait for her to respond or do anything. Instead, I continued walking down the hall to meet with Father and the twins.


                While I walk, I can't help but remember the encounter that we had earlier on the Sycamore tree. The orange blaze of the sun warming up his face, illuminating his features. His tan skin that was smooth to the touch, his dark eyes that ever looked so mysterious. His soft curls cascading down his face, framing his structured jaw. He was handsome and kind. Of all the Lords I've encountered, he was the only one that I got to be friends with. But I doubt that our relationship still stands. I still can't marry him because he lost against me. He was an easy defeat just like all the rest. I just wish that his swordplay was stronger and more effective just like his words because every word he lets out of his mouth felt powerful. He would wait for me, he said as he carefully caressed my cheek. I will let him wait for me. Maybe when I grow older, I'd think different of him. Maybe I'd understand the reason why a Lady's duty is to be married. Maybe when time moves forward, my mind would mature and finally see that there is something more than swords and daggers. Maybe...


Corabella's Point of View

                I woke with a start as I dreamt again of that day but mostly because a loud knocking echoed through my walls. I sat straight up and waited for anyone to speak through the door. It's early in the morning. Who could possibly interrupt slumber at this time? "Lady Corabella? It's time for your bath," I heard one of the maids tell me from the other side of the door. I groaned to myself before letting my feet touch the cold floor.


                I paced slowly to the door and opened a slight crack. My eyebrows furrowed as three young faces smiled at me mockingly. "Don't you see it's too early for me to be woken up?" I started with annoyance. "Half of the city is still asleep." Their faces dropped the moment they sensed my irritation. I watch them fumble with their hands and lick their lips, trying to find the right words. I widened my eyes and shook my head at them. "Well?"

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