Chapter 25: Wonders

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Author's Note: I am apologizing once again for my delayed updates but please do understand that I have a life outside the internet, no matter how rubbish it is, and I am taking my academics a bit seriously. I am really sorry for this late update. I'll try my best to keep things interesting, I promise! Anyway, this is the 25th chapter! Enjoy! (I still DO NOT own Game of Thrones. And I never will.)

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Twenty-Five: Wonders

Lorcan's Point of View

It was no doubt that my heart longs for Corabella. From the moment I saw her I knew that I wanted her to be mine. I wanted to hold her in my arms from dawn to dusk. I wanted to let my fingers slide down her ivory skin, inhale her intoxicating scent, kiss her until my mouth runs dry. But the more I chased her, the farther she ran away. Her bright blue eyes that haunt me even when I'm awake seem to blur the more I tried to get closer. When I heard the news that ten Lords will be risking their pride and lives just to have her for their wife, my hope faltered. It shook my very being to know that I was not able to reach her in time.

But then again, fate is a mischievous phenomenon. Just when I thought I would lose her forever, there came a chance for me. When that Heckle bloke decided to back down, a spot opened up for me as if being shone upon by the brightest light in this universe. I had to fight for her and I wouldn't hesitate to kill if I have to.

"What are sacks of gold, Father, when the riches I want is everything about her?" I pointed out to the old plump man that is my father. Upon my arrival at the docks of King's Landing, I put on my helmet and dashed off to the arena in a split second. Time is of essence and I couldn't waste it.

My feet led me directly to where the tourney was taking place. Massey's gigantic, air-filled head was the first thing I caught sight of. How he still keeps on blabbering about how good he fights is beyond me. Oh, what an honor it is to slice through his head with my trusty old blade. The egoistic Lord's voice boomed all throughout the place, penetrating each and everyone's ears, as Massey announced his victory. The whole arena rattled as chaos erupted from every seat. The common folk joined in on the clamor as they shouted praises and insults at the mighty victor.

My eyes only skimmed through the hundreds of people just to meet her blue ones. And she stood there, frozen to the spot, mouth gaping, and color drained from her face. I was not surprised to see such a reaction from her. After all, knowing that she is going to be potentially married to someone as idiotic as Massey would certainly be worse than death.

Just a second of looking at her, I knew that this needs to stop. Massey already had enough of his exposure, it's time to dim the lights, pull the curtains, and prepare for another act; the one where the stars are me, him, and our blades.

I nudged one of my men and nodded my command to request for a final duel. He did not think twice but acted immediately. I saw one of her maids approach her on her seat to inform her about my request. From the unyielding look of shock on her face, it was no doubt she had to be told twice what I wanted to do. When she finally agreed, I jogged in place, warmed up, and prayed to the heavens to forgive me if I couldn't stop myself from ending Massey's life here and now.

And so it begun, the fight we certainly are all waiting for. A sequel to the duel I once had with this Lord. Hopefully, the ending will still be the same: Him on the ground, me and my sword hailing victory.

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