Chapter 12: A First for the Two

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! This is the twelfth chapter. I don't really have much to say. I just feel like writing a first A/N is a staple duty of mine whenever I start a chapter. I still don't own Game of Thrones. *cries*

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Twelve: A First for the Two

With one quick swipe of my dagger, I sent the young man down into the mud. What feels like hours of dueling has finally come to an end. He shouted for forfeit as I rise up and look to the crowd. I raised my arm up, holding my dirty blade and made all the Lords and Ladies cheer for yet another triumph of mine. I smiled at them with pride as I slayed another weak admirer. I turned to him and almost laughed at how pathetic he looked. His already black hair almost turned even darker from all the dirt he acquired when he fell down. His left cheek is swollen and a cut was made on his right arm. The other soldiers carried him to the Maester for further inspection of his wounds.

Meanwhile, I walked with my chin up towards my family's booth. Father stroked his beard slowly as he gave me a smile. He is disappointed that I will not be married but his eyes are wide enough to tell me that he is more than impressed at what I did in the arena. Cosimo and Gino were on the edge of their seats as they applauded loudly with the crowd, even cheering for me. They were the first ones to run towards me and give me a hug.

"Incredible footwork and strategies, as always, sister!" Gino said to me as he hugged me by the waist. Cosimo, who was laughing as he approached me, shouted in anticipation. "Magnifico! Magnifico!" he raised his hands up as he yelled. "Magnifico, combattente Signora!" He, too, embraced me tightly. I let go of them and continued my way in front of my parents.

Mother was much disappointed. She clapped her hands in a cheerful manner but her face says otherwise. I turned away from her, trying my hardest not to get hurt by her stubbornness. Why can't she just accept that I will not let anyone be my groom? No one is worthy of me.

I kneeled with one knee in front of my father and bowed my head as I present to him my two trusty weapons, Taglierina and Zaffiro. "Father, I present to you these daggers that gave me triumph this day. May you bless them with your wisdom and bravery so that I may cut through... my enemies... in the future." I put much emphasis on 'enemies' much to my Mother's annoyance. I saw her roll her eyes through my periphery.

"Stand up, child." Father whispered to me as he rose up his seat. I quickly stood up and followed him in the middle of the booth. I stood beside him as he took my arm while clearing his throat. The crowd instantly silenced down before Father spoke. "My Lords and Ladies, I am pleased to present to you the winner of today's duel, Lady Corabella Doreen." He raised our arms up making the crowd cheer loudly than before. I chuckled under my breath when they started throwing carnations out of their seats and into the arena. But it was only seconds when my father put his arm around me as he guided me back to the castle to get cleaned up.

"I'm expecting you to apologize to him," Mother said with all humor drained from her voice as she ties the bows of my dress.

I rolled my eyes and chortled at her. No way in seven hells will I apologize to that boy. That's what someone gets for trying to be betrothed to me. "A true fighter never apologizes to his OR her enemy. That's like a pathetic way of losing."

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