Chapter 5: A Woman's Thoughts

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Author's Note: Hello again, everyone! This is the fifth chapter. I'm really excited to write more chapters for this story and I think lots of you like it so far even if I don't get much reviews or favorites. The mere fact that lots of you view my story already makes me happy. Again, I have to apologize if this chapter isn't so good. I'm having a hard time limiting conversations between characters. I still don't own Game of Thrones unless George R. R. Martin willingly gives me the rights to his books. Enjoy!

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Five: A Woman's Thoughts

Margaery's Point of View

I was never born with royal blood seeping through my veins. My father is a Lord and my mother was a Lady but those weren't enough for me to be considered royalty. All I wanted in life was to live in King's Landing and wear gorgeous dresses while dancing around with beautiful slippers. Unfortunately, my family name is Tyrell. I was never a Targaryen or a Baratheon. Well, that is before I met Renley.

We shared the same passion of sitting in the throne room with the Seven Kingdoms all in our hands. All I wanted was to marry a King with a golden crown on his head and rule those who are needed to be ruled, the Highborns, the soldiers, the maids, even the whores. But most importantly, I wanted to take care of those who needed care the most, the children, the orphans. I was lucky enough to have a roof above my head, food in my stomach, and clothes on my body. But those poor souls, oh. They are often neglected and I want to change the world's views about them.

Marrying Renly was the closest I could get to the Iron Throne by that time. I was nothing but delighted when he offered me marriage. I gladly accepted, of course. Who wouldn't want to marry a King? Of course, I believed he was the rightful King at that time because that's what he always tells me. He would whisper how beautiful King's Landing would be for us. I would rule right by his side and I could have whatever I want. That is, if we actually defeated those who also want the throne for their own. He wore a golden crown and was addressed as the King. I was called the Queen as well. I thought that was the start of my happy and adventurous life.

I have loved Renly, I really did more than anyone in this world. But Renly, sadly, didn't love me back. I know it and I felt it. I thought there was someone else some other girl more beautiful or much smarter than I was. I thought that I wasn't satisfying his needs as a wife. That made me curious about Renly. He never touched me, not once. We would kiss and I would do my best to get him to want me but he loved someone else. I wanted to hate them when I found out but I couldn't. Renly is still my King and my husband and I must remain loyal to him because I swore a holy vow. And Loras... My blood still runs through his veins and the Tyrell name still bonds us. He is still my brother no matter how many times he fooled around with Renly.

I wept when we found my husband's body on the tent. He was bloody and cold. I mourned for him because even if he wasn't entirely the husband of my dreams, he was the King that everyone deserved. He was kind but strong at the same time. He could've fit perfectly on the Iron Throne but his time finally came no matter how depressing that was. Loras, of course, was mortified and heartbroken. He wanted revenge for Renly but I kept him sane. I told him that we should stay smart or else we'll find ourselves in Renly's very same situation. He agreed with me and in a matter of days, I was presented to Joffrey.

That boy was horrible and sadistic. One look at him and I knew that I was going to be miserable and abused by the time we were married. Everyone warned me of that monster but I was persistent to have the power. I took risks to reach in to Joffrey. I had to lie and manipulate his twisted mind in hopes of changing him. I broke all the rules and met him in his chambers trying to seduce him into submitting to me. But he wasn't interested in anything besides hurting people. So, I reached in deeper, forget his world for a little while and submerged in mine. I visited the poor and get to know their stories and in no time, I had Joffrey waving at his people. They adored him that day and I did, too. I thought that I finally changed him and he finally gave in by letting me see this different side at him. I much preferred that Joffrey I saw, the one who truly smiles like a little boy on a sunny day.

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