Chapter 19: Tell Me

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! I'm not sure when this chapter is going to be. If this is going up late, please try to understand how busy I am for the preparation of the upcoming start of our classes here where I am from or probably the homework I will be doing when it actually starts. I hope you guys don't think I'm making too many excuses. Sorry! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I still do not own Game of Thrones.

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Nineteen: Tell Me

Corabella's Point of View

I didn't catch a wink of sleep last night. No matter how many times I force myself to submit into slumber, my body manages to find a way to keep me awake. The twins' revelation about Lorcan's lies invaded my mind for hours. I could see his face on the carnations. I could hear his voice on the chirping of the crickets. He was all over me, kept me awake with all the words he spoke, and buried the image of him in my head. I still couldn't figure out why he lied. My heart ached a little knowing that he is the only genuine friend I have here in King's Landing yet he still hid things from me. Was I wrong to trust him? I'm so confused right now. I want to be angry with him but I figured I might be overthinking. Maybe that bouquet was a lucky guess. Maybe he covered up his intentions by saying he trained with my brothers so that I wouldn't think he has some king of motive over me. I doubt that he has. Lorcan seems to be a nice person. I don't think lying is something he does frequently. But, still, I have to be careful.

"Corabella? Will you please open up the door?" Mother's voice sounded urgent from the other side of my chamber door. I lazily sat on my bed and pushed away my covers before slumping my feet on the cold floor. I didn't bother fixing myself for Mother. I feel tired and I do not want to put effort into how I look. I made it to the door with each lousy step and opened it to see Mother's young and fresh face smiling at me. Her smile faded to a frown, eyes narrowing at me. "You look horrible? Are you feeling fine, love?" she asked while walking inside my chamber and putting her hands on both of my arms. I took a step back, quite startled by the loudness of her voice. I feel like my mind and soul were still lying down on the bed resting.

"I'm fine, Mother," I assured her while taking another step back, freeing myself from her grasp. "I just found it difficult to sleep last night," I explained further. She looked at me with worry clear on her face before turning to my bed and arranging the sheets. "You don't need to do that, Mother," I told her sternly. She looked back at me as soon as she finished but both our heads snapped the eerie sound of a bird approaching my balcony.

Mother approached the white Raven first before I did. "A white Raven?" she asked to no one in particular. From what we've seen, white Ravens aren't very common here in King's Landing. In my opinion, it would be of bigger help if they start breeding white ones. White Ravens are smarter than the common Raven and flies almost double the speed. "Abrielle's," Mother muttered under her breath as she stroked the ribbon tied around the bird's neck. "Why did she send this to you?"

I turned to her before answering her question with a smile despite how restless I feel. "She sent me one a few days ago. I forgot to tell you," I explained. Mother nodded her head without looking at me. I took the liberty to remove the piece of parchment tied to its claw and unrolling it while Mother fetched some biscuits for the bird.

To my stubborn and unmarried cousin,

Glendon is more than happy to know about the new tricks you have up your sleeve. He is training soulfully here as well. Father needed to hire a knight from another city just to train with Glendon, yet he still finds the new man lousy compared to you. He's also going to be on a hunting trip with Father by the time you receive this message. My family and I are all excited for your return. I can't wait for you to feel the new life starting to form in my belly. It is such a marvelous feeling to know that I am going to be a mother soon. I hope you will be, too. That is, if you find a Lord you wouldn't kill.

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