Chapter 15: Clandestine Stories

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! First of all, thank you for all the reads that I've been getting. I reached 1.2K reads on Wattpad, almost 5K on and 400+ hits on AO3! Thank you for reading and keeping up with my story it really means a lot to me since I've never worked so hard in writing a story. Anyway, here's the fifteenth chapter! Enjoy! (I still DO NOT own Game of Thrones)

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Fifteen: Clandestine Stories

Lorcan's Point of View


                Having dinner alone seems quite depressing tonight. I can't get the conversation I had with Father this morning. The shenanigans he's been up to was kept from me. How unfair was it for me to be part of his plan to join houses with the Doreens without informing me first rather than Lord Doreen. I could've agreed to it if he opened the topic to me first. After all, who am I to disagree? Corabella is beautiful, smart, and very skilled in the art of combat. It would be an honor for me to marry her and be with her until my last breath. But Father cooked up a plan behind my back. I couldn't agree to it because Corabella is my friend. I don't want her to be upset with me. I thoroughly enjoy her company even if it means wounds and bruises for me. Asking for her hand would be the last thing I would do. She is my friend and I don't want to stab her in the back. I have her trust and she has mine.

                "More wine, please," I ordered my cupbearer. He rushed hurriedly to my table, holding the wine vessel in his hands. He slowly poured in the red liquid to my glass for the fifth time. "Thank you, Arcon," I said to him with a smile. Arcon has been serving me and my family for a quite a while now. With my passion for drinking, I have kept him with me almost all the time. We've actually made a close bond, like friends or brothers.

                "This is your fifth glass, m'Lord. Don't you think it's too much? Your father doesn't like it when you get drunk," he said with worry in his green eyes. I stared directly at him as I emptied my glass in one swig just to mock him, but mostly my father. I smirked at him as I pointed my glass in his direction. He rolled his eyes before filling it up again. "You are going to be in trouble."

                "To hell with my father," I said with much annoyance in my voice. "I don't care if he gets upset. It's time I get to do what I want to do and for him to mind his own business," I said before taking a sip and placing my glass down to the table. I resumed eating the salad on my plate, chewing it ever so slightly.

                Before I take another forkful of vegetable, a knock came from the other side of the door. Arcon quickly placed the vessel down on the table before scurrying off to get the door. He opened it, revealing my mother, and bowed to her. "Good evening, m'Lady." Mother nodded at the young cupbearer as she pranced inside my chambers.

                I quickly rose from my seat, wiped my mouth with a towel, and looked at her before bowing. "Good evening, Mother," I greeted with a smile. Mother's presence always puts me in a good mood. Unlike Father, who always looks serious, Mother always has a smile on her face. Mother is very old but she's still elegant and cheerful. "Please, take a seat. Join me in my dinner," I said while pulling out a chair for her.

                "Oh, there's no need for that, Lorcan," she started while waving a hand at me before pulling her skirts up as she sat down. "I already ate. I just wanted to check on you. I believe Gyles already talked to you." Her tone changed at the mention of our 'talk'. My smile dropped to a subtle frown. I cleared my throat as the nervousness lumped at the back of my throat. I walked back to my seat and offered Mother some wine, which she declined. "So, what do you think about your father's proposal?" she asked straightforwardly.

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