Chapter 13: A Change of Mind

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! I have to apologize for not updating yesterday. I was feeling sick yesterday and just spent the day on bed while watching movies. Anyway, I want to make up for my lack of update yesterday so I'll try my hardest to make a longer chapter today. Enjoy! (I still DO NOT own Game of Thrones.)

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Thirteen: A Change of Mind

Tommen's Point of View

I felt myself floating somewhere between heaven and earth. Suddenly, my brain isn't functioning, my eyes full of stars, my heart stops beating, and my lips were only hers. I captured her beautiful lips in a split second without thinking and it has been the best decision I've made in my life. I felt her press her lips harder onto me, deepening our kiss until we were both out of breath. I was brought back to life when she pulled away rather harshly. She pushed me back away from her as we both struggled to catch our breaths.

"No!" she yelled at me while turning away from my face. Her eyes started forming tears as they look down her feet with an intense expression. She looked sad or angry or both. Did I kiss her too hard? Did she not like it?

I opened my mouth and whispered her name softly. "Corabella." She didn't look at me. Emotions started flooding in my mind. Confusion, sadness, joy, and guilt. I didn't know how to feel. And I can't read her expression too well especially now that she's turned away from me. "Corabella, please-"

"Don't!" she yelled harshly, startling me for a second. Her blue eyes, now starting to look watery, turned to mine. She gritted her teeth hard in anger. "You won't do that again," she spat in a low grumbling voice. I was certain she's going to cry but the longer I wait for her tears to roll down her cheeks so I may wipe them away, the harder she held them back. "You're betrothed to Lady Margaery and I don't want to be the cause of anyone's problems. We will forget about this. This didn't happen," she said quickly before standing up to leave. She turned around, cheeks red in anger. I watched her take long strides away from me.

I stood up and walked away from my spot, hoping that she will come back to me. "Corabella! Please, don't go." I didn't expect her to stop midstride and turn to look at me. Her blue eyes looked bigger and bluer as she turned. I held my breath at the sight of her. She looks so broken, like I did the worst thing to her.

"What do you want?" she asked, her voice starting to shake. I instantly felt guilty as the image of Margaery invaded my mind. I am to marry her and be his husband for eternity. I vowed to be hers and only hers. I even imagined how our first kiss would be; in front of our guests as the High Septon announces the joining of our houses. "You're pathetic." I turned to her again but her back was facing me now as she starts to resume to her way out of the gardens.

I love Margaery with all my heart, I really do. But Corabella is confusing me, playing with me. One moment she's kissing me back, the other she's walking away in anger. "Why do you have to do that?" I shouted at her both in anger and confusion. Corabella is a beautiful puzzle but unfortunately, I'm not smart enough to decipher her. Without thinking, I ran to her and grabbed her wrist to turn her around. I'm so furious because she's doing something to me, she's confusing me. But I'm even furious of myself for being so stupid and naïve. "Why did you kiss me back, then? Why did you let me kiss you if I'm pathetic?" I practically shouted at the top of my voice. I saw terror in her eyes as tiny drops of tears roll out of them. She cried and cried without saying a word. "Answer me!"

She budged out of my grasp and slapped me hard across the face followed by her knee connecting with my stomach, giving a hard blow. I immediately stumbled to the ground helpless. She started wiping away her tears with a heavy hand. By the time she opened her eyes to look at me, I saw someone else in her. I was no longer staring at the beautiful Corabella, no. I'm now looking at another creature with the same blue eyes but very different persona. And for the first time, I felt genuinely scared for my life.

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