Chapter 22: Epiphany

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Author's Note: Thank you for being so patient with LLtBK! Writing this really does help my creativity be honed and at the same time it serves as an entertainment for all you, readers. Thank you for the likes, favorites, and follows. But if you have time, please do leave a comment or suggestion as well to let me know the things you would like me to improve in this story so this would be more of a collaboration between me and all of you. Without further ado, here is the 22nd chapter. Enjoy! (I still do NOT own Game of Thrones)

Long Live the Boy King

Chapter 22: Epiphany

Cersei's Point of View

I'm not much for conversing with other people as I've grown up with only my brother and myself to talk to. The maids that raised us weren't very interesting as well and when they do speak, they fill our heads with superstitions and boring fairytales that I never believed even at such a young age. My ears prefer to hear facts more than anything and since I had the sense of reason, I promised myself not to succumb into idiocy that is fantasies on a story book. Wars were the popular topic back in my days and no matter how horrifying they are, how gruesome they sound, that is reality. And reality is what I consume.

But last night's dinner with the Doreens made me loathe conversations a little less. Not because of the couple, obviously. Ferardo looked smug as always and tried hard to sound heroic as he shared with us yet another great adventure of his where he plunges a sword into his enemy's heart. My father bought it again like he always does. In his eyes, he was perfect but I can't see what's so special about him. Jaime was just as great as he is, maybe even greater but Father was too blind to see that. His eyes are greying, it seems. Edvige was deceiving. She smiled to me all throughout the night when just a few days ago she was practically shouting at me, defending her family. Her compliments for King's Landing and my son sounded fake to me. The Doreen lady might be beautiful but I know she has dark, dark secrets of her own. Come to think of it, Father once said to me yesterday that we share a few attributes. I say otherwise. Unlike Edvige, I don't have to put up a mask to fool people. I can simply say that I am the King's mother.

The only Doreen that I could stomach was, of course, Corabella. Her younger twin brothers were loud and obnoxious, but she was silent during our little feast and only spoke when spoken to. She sat with grace and elegance among all things and her beauty was radiating, illuminating the evening. Tommen noticed it too based from my observations. My son watched her eat and speak and glanced at her direction when he thought no one was looking. But I did and I didn't find it strange. I tolerated it even if the Tyrell whore exists. If only Corabella were introduced to him sooner I wouldn't doubt his eagerness to marry her immediately. Unfortunately, ten Lords are already waiting for the young Lady and Tommen is to marry Margaery. Regardless, I find Corabella fascinating. She is nothing compared to the rest of her family especially when her blue eyes contrast their dark ones. She reminds me of myself when I was younger; graceful, respectful, but strong and doesn't let anyone make her feel inferior.

I heard rumors about her connection with Lorcan Rosby. Young Lorcan was once friends with Joffrey but unlike my son, he didn't let childhood get the best of him. I've heard of his triumphs, of the women that would give anything to be his, of the riches his family acquires. If Tommen cannot have Corabella for his wife, I'd much rather Lorcan marry her. With the north of the Crownlands in her hands, she will be the perfect ally for the royal family especially with the quality of weaponry the Doreens possess. It was sad to think, though, to know that the young Rosby isn't one of the ten Lords. He is fit to be a husband to Corabella and he surely is stronger than the mentioned Lords. Fate only forbid the arrogant airhead Massey to win the tourney.

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