Part 23: To Right All Wrongs

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Author's Note: I apologize again for the slow updates, I just haven't had time piecing out ideas in my head for this story and it took longer than I expected. Haha. I still thank you, though, for being so patient with me. Please enjoy this chapter! (I still DO NOT own Game of Thrones)

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter 23: To Right All Wrongs

Margaery's Point of View

For days I've longed for King's Landing and its clamor and distinct ambience that makes it nothing like the peaceful and calm Highgarden. Yes, I missed this place while I was surrounded by the parties and drunkards and chattering Ladies. But now that I am enveloped in its serenity, I now look forward to returning and letting the noise fill my ears for days once more. Oh, how guilty must I feel to think of such things! I am in my own residence surrounded by all of my people. I should be grateful for being given the permission to postpone my own wedding to take care of my fading grandmother. Yet, as the days pass by the more anxious I get to finally be in front of the Sept and be bonded with my King for a husband. Young Tommen, I wonder how you are right now? The Ravens I've sent to you are not enough to let you know how sad I am to be anywhere but by your side. What a foolish Lady I am to actually feel just now. I knew Tommen wasn't going to be hard to love. I adored him ever since I was introduced to the young King. But I guess once you can't have something that you want, the more you try hard to acquire it.

I do not blame Grandmother for her illness. I know she isn't going to last long and she most certainly is feeling her age. What I cannot comprehend is the unforgiving decision of fate to interject itself to the most important, the most bizarre event in my life. It was Grandmother's suggestion to wed the King as I am the most fit to sit beside the Iron Throne but even if the idea was from her, the gods must not like me for they brought upon her something she does not deserve. She can't be on my wedding, not while she's still too weak to get out of her own bed. What a pity it is, truly.

I looked back at her figure, still laying on her bed while stoking her hands together. My feet brought me to her side to let the back of my hand rest on her forehead. She doesn't feel as feverish as she did a few days ago. A fever must not be overlooked. Though the medical advances in Highgarden are rather slow, it is the most convenient to have the maester and his students to work day and night just to find a cure to Grandmother's illness. She refused to take any medicine she is not familiar with and instead insisted that all she needed was to rest.

"Do not worry much about me, love," she spoke silently. Her words were followed by fits of cough, a rather irritating sound to my ears. I hurriedly reached out for the glass of water sitting beside her bed and brought it up to her lips to alleviate the pain she must be feeling. "Thank you, dear."

"Grandmother, you have to at least try to get outside for some fresh air," I said. I have been goading her to do so for days. "If you stay here in your chambers and do nothing, you will never feel any better." She scoffed at me and raised a hand, making me stop whatever I was going to say next. I hate it when she's stubborn. Not only is it bad for her but it also prolongs my stay here in Highgarden.

"You shouldn't have come to my aid, love. I am quite alright. Now look at that. You have missed your wedding!" I shook my head from side to side, blinking away any disappointment mirrored by my eyes. I explained to Grandmother that I did not mind. After all, I am still to be wedded to Tommen in only a matter of days. I have planned to return a day before his nameday so when he turns eighteen, I shall officially form a bond with him in holy matrimony. My heart aches for Tommen but I wouldn't be able to enjoy the first days of my (third) married life if I wouldn't be given the reassurance that my own grandmother is feeling fully well. She raised me alongside my parents and I can't just ignore her own health.

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