Chapter 9: Eventi Gemellate

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! This is the ninth chapter. I hardly believe it because I've never written something this long that I let people read but I'm slowly building up patience in doing my work and all of you have been so nice with your views, favorites, follows, all that stuff. I still do not own Game of Thrones, though. Haha.

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Nine: Eventi Gemellate

Corabella's Point of View

I couldn't bring myself to go back to the feast, not when I'm looking and thinking like this. My hair is a mess and my dress grew crinkly from all the running I've done. I don't want them to see me like this, so vulnerable. The night slowly grew darker and darker as I find my way back to my chambers. Unlike in the Great Hall, the rest of the castle seems to be much more peaceful. The sound of the sea even made the ambience relaxing.

I pushed open the door to my chambers. It's much darker inside even if the full moon's peeking through my windows. I lit up a few candles to brighten up the room. The tiny flames danced around the wax as a gentle wind blew inside. I kicked my slippers off carelessly, letting them fly off somewhere. I cannot be bothered to pick them up and put them where they belong. Instead, I made my way to one of the chests containing all the weapons I brought here in King's Landing. I let my fingers trace the outline of the Bedocian cat carved to one of the chests. Its sapphire eyes stare back at mine with elegance and danger.

I sat down cross-legged to the floor as I open the large chest. Several daggers lay neatly on the first layer of the chest. Pillowed in silk, my daggers were aligned neatly from smallest to largest. All of their pommels bearing the head of a Bedocian cat with sapphires for eyes. I picked the largest and sharpest one of them and examined it under a dull flame of the candle. It still looks brand new despite being in my possession for six years. The blade is still shiny and sharp as little swirls dance around it. That's the thing I love about Bedocian steel, its' beautiful and elegant but very sharp and deadly. It could cut through someone's skin with ease.

With a rebellious idea on my mind, I stood up without taking my eyes off of the blade. I made my way in front of the large mirror and stared at my reflection. Even with the lit candles surrounding me, my eyes shone the brightest. The glow in my eyes are masked during the day due to the brightness of the sun but while I'm enveloped in darkness, they flash brightly. I was only three when my parents noticed. They were shocked for the first time. Never in their lives have they seen someone's eyes glow. Concerned for my situation, they never told anyone except the Grand Maester whom they trusted very much. He, too, cannot answer their questions as to why my situation is like this. No one knows but my own family and a few of my cousins. Until now.

The boy-king knows now and I can't deny it to him anymore. He saw what was happening to me and I let him. How stupid was I to let him see. It was only a matter of time before I made the situation worse. I run fast and away from him, letting him know that I don't want his presence. I called him a liar and told him I hate him. But right now, when I'm staring back at myself, I realized that I didn't mean any of those things I said. He's not a liar, he is just a boy who likes to play games. And I don't certainly hate him. If anything, the only one I hate is me. I'm too naïve and too easy to manipulate. I fell for his trap and let him lead me on. I should be careful next time. I should choose the right words to say next time. But right now, I have something else to do.

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