Chapter 6: A New Acquaintance

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! Thank you for the lovely reviews that you guys left in this story. (Yes, this is posted in three different websites, Wattpad,, and AO3) Every one of you have been so lovely and kind and getting more interactive with me now which really helps me sort out ideas for chapters. And here it is, the sixth one! I still don't own Game of Thrones (I'm looking at you, George R. R. Martin) Enjoy!

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Six: A New Acquaintance

"How do you feel, my love?" I heard a voice behind me whisper. The night looks magnificent and all I could do is stare into the starry sky, thinking about the challenges I've been through in the past nine months while carrying my first child. Grandmother said it's my first son but I can't say for sure. I felt Ferardo's arms wrap me from behind while his hands make their way to my swollen belly. "He's going to be handsome and brave," he whispered in my ear. I held his hands with my own and waited for my baby to kick again. It was painful at first but I got used to it. After all, it's going to be just a matter of hours before this beautiful being leaves my body.

"Or she. She will be beautiful and graceful," I said to my husband teasingly. We both chuckled in the darkness, trying to contain our excitement for a new milestone in our lives. They say that delivering a child is excruciatingly painful and difficult. I say otherwise. Bringing a child in this world is only the beginning. Raising them will be the most laborious challenge.

"Have you thought of a name yet, my love?" I stared into the distance. I haven't thought of a name yet but now would be the perfect time. "I thought of a boy's name. Do you want to know what it is?" I nodded my head at my husband who was eager to have a son. "Rinaldo," he whispered into my ear. "A wise ruler," he added. I nodded at his name of choosing and agreeing with him. If we are to have a son, we shall call him Rinaldo.

"And if it is a girl..." I started. "I want Corabella." He nodded and smiled at me. "Coraggiosa e bella."

Edvige's Point of View

Corabella was only a baby when she first spoke her words. Everyone was surprised by her eyes back then and how blue they were despite the Doreens having brown or black ones. Ferardo told me that only one person who lived in Bedoco, besides my own daughter, was recorded to have the same blue sapphire eyes. No one actually thinks if that person truly existed or if he was one among the many myths of Bedoco. But Minton Doreen became so popular in the city that everyone knew his name. He had the bluest eyes in all of history, men, women, and children adored him. He was a skilled fighter but a very wise man as well. And now that I look at my daughter, I wonder if it is Minton's eyes that are on hers.

Corabella spun around, trying to get a feel of the dress more. They say she has grown into a more mature and definitely more beautiful woman but in my eyes, she will always be that little infant with blue eyes who cries every night before I sing her to sleep. I put her small dagger in its sheath before handing it to her. This was the very first dagger she owned but its youth showed how much she valued her weapons. "Be careful with this, please. I don't want you to start a commotion in the feast." She took it from my hands and tucked it in her belt. She's right, it's too small and I don't think anyone would notice this little thing.

"Mother, I'm not stupid. Besides, I'm going to a feast, not a tournament. Just in case there's some kind of danger in the feast, at least I'm armed," she said while fixing her sleeves, not looking at me in the eyes. I took a step forward and hugged her tight. I sensed her surprised and hugged her even more. "What are you doing?" she asked in confusion.

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